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Mountain Top University School Fees 2023/2024

Mountain Top University, MTU school fees schedule for the 2023/2024 academic session for Undergraduate, JUPEB and Pre-degree students.
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Mountain Top University (MTU) School Fees - Mountain Top University, MTU school fees are scheduled for the 2023/2024 academic session for Undergraduate, JUPEB and Pre-degree students.

Mountain Top University

The management of the Mountain Top University  (MTU) has released the amount payable as TUITION FEES by undergraduate, JUPEB and Pre-degree students of the institution for the 2023/2024 academic session.

Mountain Top University School Fees Schedule 

To view the MTU school fee schedule, click on the following links:

MTU School Fees Payment Procedure for Nigerian Students 

  1. Visit the Mountain Top University Portal (
  2. Click on the “Student” menu in the navigation bar.
  3. Click on the Undergraduate Student portal
  4. Click on the Undergraduate Login Button at the bottom of the page, then enter your Application Number and surname as password in lowercase.
  5. Click “Update Biodata” to update your data.
  6. Click “View Pay Advice”.
  7. Click on “Pay online now” to pay all the fees online (The acceptance fee must be paid first).
  8. Select your ATM card issuer (Mastercard, Verve, or Visa) and click on “Continue”.
  9. You will see the details of all the fees with the charges.
    • Click on “Use Interswitch” button OR Click on “Use Unified Payments” button
    • Then Click “Pay with Debit or Credit Card”
  10. Click “Continue” to proceed to the payment page.
  11. Enter your ATM card issuer (Mastercard, Verve, or Visa) details (PAN, CVV2, Name on the card, Expiration date), and click “OK”.
  12. Enter the OTP sent to your phone number to complete the transaction successfully.
  13. After successful payment, return to your Portal, click “Print receipt” to generate your receipt and complete your Course Registration.

MTU School Fees Payment Procedure for International Students 

  1. Visit the Mountain Top University Portal (
  2. Click on “Student” menu in the navigation bar.
  3. Click the Undergraduate Student portal
  4. Click Undergraduate Login Button at the bottom of the page, then enter your Application Number and surname as password in lowercase.
  5. Click “Update Biodata” to update your data.
  6. Click on “View Pay Advice”.

Payment should be made to the following banks:

Bank: Ecobank Nigeria Limited.
Account name: Mountain Top University.
Account number: 4253007516 (DOLLAR).
Swift Code: ECOCNGLA.

Bank: Zenith Bank Plc.
Account name: Mountain Top University.
Account number: 5070458290 (DOLLAR).
Swift Code: ZEIBNGLA.

Bank: Access Bank Plc.
Account name: Mountain Top University
Account number: 0697307929 (Dollar).
Swift code: ABNGNGLA.


  1. Please, full payment; or the first half of the session
  2. Instalment payment of school fees and acceptance fees must be paid before resumption.
  3. Your receipt shall be your clearance to allocate a bed for you at the Hostel.
  4. Evidence of payment should be scanned to:

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