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NDA 2014 Biology Past Questions

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NDA Past Questions On Biology 2014


1. The branch of Biology dealing with inheritance is
 A. Genetics
 B. Evolution
 C. Embryology
 D. Eugenics

2. The four elements that form the 99% of the protoplasm are
 A. N, O, P, S
 B. C, H, N, O
 C. H, N, Ca, Cl
 D. C, O, Ca, S

3. The movement of a substance against the electrochemical gradient is known as
 A. Osmosis
 B. Diffusion
 C. Active transport
 D. Endosmosis

4. The process by which an organism produces young ones of its own species is called
 A. Sexual reproduction
 B. Gametogenesis
 C. Blastogenesis
 D. Reproduction

5. Despite possessing chlorophyll, Euglena is regarded as an animal because
 A. it can move
 B. it has protoplasm
 C. it has centriole
 D. it has autotrophic nutrition

6. One of the following is not a feature of a monocotyledon plant.
 A. They bear seeds with one cotyledon each
 B. The vascular bundles of the stem are scattered
 C. They undergo secondary growth
 D. They have a fibrous root system

7. The cell division that takes place during the growth and development of an organism is known as
 A. mitosis
 B. meiosis
 C. chromosomes
 D. variation

8. Loss of water from the leaf surface of plants by evaporation is known as
 A. Transpiration
 B. Transportation
 C. Translocation
 D. Absorption

9. The process involved in the formation of urine are as follows, except
 A. ultra-filtration
 B. selective re-absorption
 C. capillary system
 D. tubular secretion

10. The following insects have incomplete metamorphosis except
 A. Termite
 B. Aphid
 C. Butterfly
 D. Grasshopper

11. The translocation of food materials in plants takes place in the
 A. Xylem
 B. Cambium
 C. Phloem
 D. Parenchyma

12. Which of the following is the precise location of the gene?
 A. Chromosome
 B. Ribosome
 C. Centriole
 D. Centrosome

13. In which of the following is a cellulose cell wall present?
 A. Amoeba
 B. Spirogyra
 C. Paramecium
 D. parasitic worms

14. The process by which lime is added to clay soils is known as
 A. flocculation
 B. sedimentation
 C. leaching
 D. manuring

15. The vitamin which is important in the formation of retinal pigment is
 A. Vitamin A
 B. Vitamin B
 C. Vitamin C
 D. Vitamin D

16. Most bacteria grow best in a medium around
 A. PH 2.0
 B. PH 3.0
 C. PH 5.0
 D. PH 7.0

17. Which of the following blood cells are the first to appear in response to an infection?
 A. neutrophils
 B. eosinophils
 C. erythrocytes
 D. lymphocytes

18. Which of these types of skeleton is most appropriate to the cockroach?
 A. hydrostatic skeleton
 B. Exoskeleton
 C. Endoskeleton
 D. Cartilaginous skeleton

19. Which of the following equations summarizes the process of aerobic respiration?
 A. 6CO2 + 6H2O + energy  C6 + H12 + 6O2

 B. C6O12O6 + 6CO⟶ 6CO2 + 6H2O + energy
 C. 2CO2 + energy + 2C2H5OH ⟶ C5H12O6
 D. C6H12O⟶ 2CO2C + 2C2H5OH + energy

20. The animals that move by means of flagella include
 A. Chlamydomonas and Euglena
 B. Planaria and Amoeba
 C. Amoeba and Hydra
 D. Paramecium and Planaria

21. In his theory of evolution, Darwin implied that_____
A. the struggle for existence among living organisms is sporadic.
B. the most successful organism are those that best adapt to their environment.
C. Organs of the body which are not regularly used by an organism will disappear.
D. any trait acquired by an organism during its lifetime can be passed on to its offspring.

22. The passage of food into the duodenum is controlled by a ring of muscles known as
 A. Pyloric sphincter
 B. Oesophageal sphincter
 C. Rectal sphincter
 D. Pharynx sphincter

23. The rate of transpiration in plants can be measured using
 A. ammeter
 B. Potometer
 C. Photometer
 D. Hydrometer

24. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic feature of a wind-dispersed fruit?
 A. Light
 B. Flossy structure
 C. Buoyancy
 D. Winged apparatus

25. Which of these plants is carnivorous?
 A. Mushroom
 B. Sundew
 C. Cassytha
 D. Nitrobacter

26. The dentition of a herbivore is distinct from that of other animals due to the presence of
 A. cusps on molar teeth
 B. Canines
 C. Diastema
 D. ridges on molar teeth

27. When the eyeball is too short, the eye defect that occurs is
A. Hypermetropia
B. Myopia
C. Astigmatism
D. Presbyopia

28. If a healthy potted plant is continuously kept in dim light
A. the rate of respiration may equal that of photosynthesis
B. more carbon dioxide and water are taken in
C. respiration may be halted
D. the volume of oxygen released increases

29. The pancreatic juice contains the enzymes amylopsin,
A. pepsin and trypsinogen
B. rennin and steapsin
C. steapsin and trypsinogen
D. steapsin and ptyalin

30. Aged erythrocytes are destroyed in the
A. pancreas
B. liver
C. lymph nodes
D. kidney

31. The seedlings in a rice field were found to have thin lanky growth with reddish leaves and poor root development. This is because the soil lacks
A. sulphur
B. phosphorus
C. potassium
D. iron

32. There will be agglutination when the______
A. Group A serum mixes with Group A erythrocytes.
B. Group A serum mixes with Group B erythrocytes.
C. Group AB serum mixes with Group O erythrocytes.
D. Group B serum mixes with Group B erythrocytes.

33. A freshwater pond may contain
A. tadpole, water boatman, leeches and crab
B. water beetle, shrimps, water snail and water bug
C. Water lily, fish, water scorpion dragonfly larva
D. pond skater, water lily, shark and mosquito larva

34. The distribution of plants in a rainforest is governed mainly by
A. vegetation
B. soil types
C. amount of sunlight
D. rainfall pattern

35. Both recessive and dominant characters are found
A. on different chromosomes in the cell
B. At the locus of a homologous chromosome
C. at different loci of a homologous chromosome
D. on the same chromatid in a chromosome

36. The probability of a baby being a boy or a girl depends on the contribution of the
 A. father's sex cell
 B. father's somatic chromosome
 C. mother's sex cell
 D. mother's X-chromosome

37. Which of the following part of the tongue is sensitive to sugar?
 A. Tip
 B. Back
 C. Right side
 D. Left side

38. Viruses could be cultured in ______
 A. Petri dishes
 B. MacConkey media
 C. dead cells
 D. living cells

39. Which of these explains a community?
 A. A group of organisms found in several habitats
 B. A group of population found in several habitats
 C. A group of many populations of different species living in the same habitat
 D. A group of population of the same species living in the same habitat

40. shows the transfer of energy and nutrient from one organism to another in a feeding pathway.
 A. food web
 B. trophic web
 C. food chain
 D. pyramid of biomass

1.   A
2.   B
3.   C
4.   D
5.   C
6.   C
7.   A
8.   A
9.   C
10. C
11. A
12. A
13. C
14. A
15. A
16. D
17. A
18. B
19. B
20. A
21. A
22. A
23. B
24. B
25. B
26. D
27. A
28. A
29. C
30. B
31. B
32. B
33. C
34. D
35. B
36. A
37. A
38. D
39. D
40. C

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