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NDA 2018 PHYSICS Past Questions and Answers

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NDA 2018 PHYSICS Past Questions and Answers

1. Which of the following has negligible mass?
A. Beta Particles
B. Alpha Particles
C. Gamma Rays
D. Protons
Answer: A

2. A string of length 5m is extended by 0.4m when a load of 0.8kg is suspended at the end. How far will it extend if a force of 16N is applied (g=10ms-2)
A. 0.01m
B. 0.04m
C. 0.08m
D. 0.12m
Answer: C

3. The energy in the nucleus of atoms produces heat which can be used to generate?
A. Kinetic Energy
B. Electrical Energy
C. Potential Energy
D. Mechanical Energy
Answer: D

4. Which of the following velocity-time graphs shows uniform acceleration of a body from rest?
nda physics past questions 2018

nda physics past questions 2018

nda physics past questions 2018

nda physics past questions 2018

Answer: C

5. Induced EMFs are heat explained using ___.
A. Lenz’s law
B. Colombo’s Law
C. Ohm’s Law
D. Faraday’s Law
Answer: A

6. Nuclides of the same mass number are known as __.
A. Isotopes
B. Isobars
C. Isomers
D. Molecules
Answer: A

7. The energy required by an electron in the ground to escape completely from the attraction of the nucleus is known as___.
A. Binding energy
B. Excitation potential
C. Excitation energy
D. Ionization energy
Answer: C

8. Calculate the speed of light in water. Assume the index of refraction of water is 1.33.
A. 1.97 x 108
B. 3 x 103
C. 2.26 x 108
D. 1.52
Answer: C

9. A retina performs the same function as the _____ in a camera.
A. Film
B. Shutter
C. Lens
D. Aperture
Answer: C

10. A 3000W electric cooker is to be used on a 200 V mains circuit. Which of the fuses below can be used safely with the cooker?
A. 2 A
B. 5 A
C. 10 A
D. 20 A
Answer: C

11. Which is correct for total internal reflection to occur?
A. Light travels from a less dense to a denser medium
B. Reflected ray bent away from the normal
C. Angle of incidence equals to angle of refraction
D. Light travels from an optically denser to a less dense medium
Answer: D

12.   2311Na + Proton  pq X + alpha particle
 What are the values p and q respectively in the equation above?
A. 10 and 20
B. 12 and 24
C. 20 and 10
D. 24 and 12
Answer: D

13. In a pure semi-conductor, the number of electrons in the conduction band is ___.
A. Less than the number of holes in the valence band
B. Equal to the number of holes in the valence band
C. Greater than the number of holes in the valence band
D. Twice the number of holes in the valence band
Answer: B

14. A certain radioactive source emits radiations that were found to be deflected by both magnetic and electric fields. The radiation is __.
A. Beta rays
B. Gammy rays
C. X-rays
D. Ultra-violet rays
Answer: C

15. A capacitor of 20 x 10-12 F and an inductor are joined in series. The value of the inductance that will give the circuit is resonance frequency of 200KHz is ___.
A. 1/16 H
B. 1/8 H
C. 1/64 H
D. 1/31 H
Answer: D

16. Isotopes of an element contains __.
A. Same numbers of Protons
B. Same number of Electrons
C. Same numbers of Neutrons
Answer: A

17. The earth retains its atmosphere because __.
A. The constant of gravitation is a universal constant
B. The velocity of escape is less than the mean speed of molecules
C. The velocity of escape is greater than the mean speed of molecules
D. The earth is spherical
Answer: C

18. A small boy is standing in the corridor of a train that is travelling at 100km/hr, he jumps up to the height of about 0.3 m, when he lands his feet should touch the floor
A. A short way behind where he was standing
B. Exactly where he was standing
C. A short way ahead of where he was standing
D. Long way ahead where he was standing
Answer: C

19. The apparent bending of a ruler when it is dipped into a beaker of water is due to __.
A. Refraction
B. Reflection
C. Dispersion
D. Diffraction
Answer: A

20. A adiabatic process in a system is one in which __.
A. The pressure of the system remains constant
B. The temperature of the system remains constant
C. The system does not work nor is work done on it
D. No heat enters or leaves the system
Answer: D

21. Which of the following devices may be used to convert AC to DC?
A. An Alternator
B. A Resistor
C. A Rheostat
D. A Diode
Answer: D

22. How much heat is required to heat 250ml of water 20˚ c to 35˚C ?
A. 13.75 KJ
B. 15.7 KJ
C. 5 KJ
D. 8.75 KJ
Answer: B

23. Which of the following statements are true in the structure of atom?
A. All of the below
B. Atoms are constructed according to the plane of our solar system
C. The number of protons equals the number of electrons
D. The atoms of the different elements differ only in the number of protons and electrons
Answer: C

24. A motor tyre is inflated to pressure of 2.0 x 105 Nm-2, when the temperature of air is 27˚ c. What will be the pressure in it at 87˚c assuming that the volume of the type does not change?
A. 1.3 x 105 Nm-2
B. 2.6 x 105 Nm-2
C. 6.4 x 105 Nm-2
D. 2.46 x 105 Nm-2
Answer: B

25. A cone is in unstable equilibrium has potential energy__.
A. Increased
B. Decreased
C. Oscillation
D. Unchanged
Answer: D

26. The sun’s energy comes from __.
A. The conversion of helium to hydrogen
B. The conversion of hydrogen to helium
C. Radioactivity
D. Nuclear Fusion
Answer: D

27. A copper cube weighs 0.25 N in air, 0.17 N when completely immersed in paraffin oil and 0.15N when completely immersed in water. What is the ratio of up thrust in oil and up thrust in water?
A. 4:5
B. 3:5
C. 13:10
D. 7:10
Answer: A

28. Use the diagram below to answer the question.
nda physics past questions 2018

28. A body of mass 40 kg is being dragged along the floor by a rope inclined at 60 degrees to the horizontal. The frictional force between the box and the floor is 100 N and the tension on the rope is 300 N. How much work is done by dragging the box for a distance of 4 m.
A. 100J
B. 200J
C. 400J
D. 680J
Answer: B

29. Which of the following normally produces a virtual magnified image?
A. Binocular
B. Camera
C. Cine-Projector
D. Microscope
Answer: D

30. A concave mirror of focal length 10cm from an erect image. If the image is twice the size of the object. Then the object is at what distance from the mirror.
A. 15 cm
B. 10 cm
C. 5 cm
D. 3.3 cm
Answer: A

31. Calculate the refractive index of the material for the glass prism in the diagram below.
nda physics past questions 2018

A. 2/3
B. 2
C. 4/3
D. 2/2
Answer: B

32. The moment of inertia of an object does not depend upon __.
A. Its size and shape
B. The location of the axis of rotation
C. Its mass
D. Its angular velocity
Answer: D

33. A car starting from rest moves with a uniform acceleration of 5 m/s2. The distance it covers in the fourth second of its motion is ___.
A. 20m
B. 10m
C. 40m
D. 5m
Answer: C

34. An object of mass 50kg is released from a height of 2m. Find the kinetic energy just before it strikes the ground.
A. 1000 J
B. 250 J
C. 100, 000 J
D. 10,000 J
Answer: A

35. A mercury-in-glass thermometer reads 20˚C at the ice point and 100˚C at the steam point. Calculate the Celsius temperature corresponding to 70 ˚ C on the thermometer.
A. 50.0˚ C
B. 41.0˚ C
C. 70.0˚ C
D. 62.5˚ C
Answer: A

36. Which of the following is true about the number of electrons per second ejected from a metal during photo-electric effect?
I. proportional to the intensity of the incident light
II. proportional to the frequency of the incident light
III. proportional to the wavelength of the incident light
IV. proportional to the threshold frequency
A. I, II, and IV only
B. IV only
C. I and IV only
D. I, II, and III only
Answer: C

37. A microwave oven uses 10 A of current when connected to a wall outlet that provides 120 V of electricity. What is the resistance of the microwave oven?
A. 0.083
B. 12
C. 110 Ω
D. 1200 Ω
Answer: B

38. An object is placed 24 cm from a concave lens of focal length 12 cm. Which type of image is produced?
A. Real and Magnified
B. Virtual and Diminished
C. Virtual and Real
D. Real and Diminished
Answer: D

39. An object is placed 60cm in front of a diverging lens having a focal length of 20 cm. Find the magnification of the image.
A. 7.5 cm
B. -0.50 cm
C. -7.5 m
D. 0.25 m
Answer: B

40. A pump lifts water into an overhead tank at a height of 12 m at the rate of 10 kg/s. The power of the pump is ___.
A. 60 W
B. 600 W
C. 1176 W
D. 1187 W
Answer: C

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