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Makurdi College Of Nursing Sciences Admission Form 2023/2024

Makurdi College Of Nursing Sciences Admission Form For The 2023/2024 Academic Session General Nursing And Remedial Sciences Programmes is out.
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Makurdi College Of Nursing Sciences Admission Form – The Makurdi College of Nursing Sciences administration has begun the sale of application forms for admission to its GENERAL NURSING and REMEDIAL SCIENCES programmes for the 2023/2024 academic session. See below for the requirements and application procedure for the Makurdi College of Nursing Sciences Admission Form.

Makurdi College Of Nursing Sciences Admission Form

Following the Federal Government of Nigeria's approval for the establishment of Makurdi College of Nursing Sciences, we are pleased to announce the sale of admission forms for the College's following programmes:

  • Nursing in general.
  • Rehabilitation Sciences

The General Nursing programme lasts three years and prepares candidates for both the College and the Nursing and Midwifery Council of Nigeria Professional Qualifying Examinations in order to be registered and licenced as General Nurses, whereas the remedial programme lasts one (1) year and prepares prospective candidates for admission into the College at the end of the one (1) year programme.

Remedial Sciences at Makurdi College of Nursing Sciences Admission Requirements 

  • Applicants must be at least 16 years old at the time of application.
  • Applicants must have at least two (2) credit level passes in English Language and Mathematics to be eligible for admission.

General Nursing Admission Requirements at Makurdi College of Nursing Sciences 

  • Applicants must be at least 16 years old at the time of application.
  • MUST have a Senior Secondary School Certificate (WASSCE/NECO) or GCE O' Level or equivalent with at least 5 credit passes in English, Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, and Physics at no more than two (2) sittings of the same examination body OR NABTEB at no more than one (1) sitting.

Application Procedure for Makurdi College of Nursing Sciences Admission 

  1. The application form is available online at, the College's admission portal. Individuals who are interested should do the following:
  2. Go to to access the portal. If you are a new applicant, create a brief profile by clicking the "create profile" button and filling out the necessary information.
  3. The system will redirect you to a login page where you must enter your email address and the password you created in step 1 above. Please keep in mind that this will only happen once in your application.
  4. You can then log in with your email address and password.
  5. General Nursing applicants will be required to pay a non-refundable sum of Twenty Thousand Naira Only (₦20,000.00), while Remedial Sciences applicants will be required to pay a sum of Ten Thousand Naira Only (₦10,000.00) via your debit card details. Please keep in mind that the school portal does not save your credit card information and we are not responsible for its security. The transactions are handled by the school's payment gateway.
  6. To complete and submit your online application, follow the instructions on the Admission Procedure guidelines on our website (
  7. Check your application dashboard frequently for updates.


  • General Nursing applicants will be subjected to a Computer Based Test (CBT) at the College's CBT Centre. Your dashboard will display the date and time.
  • Only candidates who meet acceptable standards will be invited for screening.
  • Please keep in mind that there will be no Computer-Based Test (CBT) examinations for Remedial applicants. Those who are qualified will be given admission letters.
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