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The Rhodes Trust Bursaries/Scholarship 2023/2024 Online Application Form pdf

The Rhodes Trust Bursaries/Scholarship 2023/2024 Online Application Form pdf, Rhodes scholarship requirements, Rhodes scholarship India, Rhodes schola
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If you have been searching for information concerning The Rhodes Trust Bursaries/Scholarship 2023/2024 Online Application Form pdf, Rhodes scholarship requirements, Rhodes scholarship India, Rhodes scholarship 2023, Rhodes scholarship amount, Rhodes scholarship winners, Rhodes scholarship 2023, Rhodes scholarship India 2023, famous Rhodes scholarship and we have taken it upon ourselves to ensure that you get all the information you need to know to acquire this bursary in 2023/2024.

The Rhodes Trust Bursaries/Scholarship Online Application Form pdf

According to Wikipedia, a bursary is a monetary award made by an institution to individuals or groups of people who cannot afford to pay full fees. In return for the bursary, the individual is usually obligated to be employed at the institution for the duration of the bursary.

Having totally told you what a bursary is about, it's high time we quickly take a look at the topic of today “The Rhodes Trust Bursaries/Scholarship Online Application Form pdf”.

In this guide, you shall get all the information relating to the bursary and how to go about the application, especially the application deadline.

The Rhodes Trust Bursaries/Scholarship

The Rhodes Trust Scholarship fund awards bursaries to postgraduate students and covers all University fees, a personal fee as well as and economy airfare to Oxford at the beginning of the study term and again back to South Africa after the completion of the studies.  The Rhodes Trust Fund was established in 1903 and is most likely the oldest International Graduate Fund, in addition, to probably also being the most prestigious.  This Scholarship was established to aid in the development of spectacular leaders who would fight for all in the world and make public duty their aim in life.

Candidates will be selected on their literacy ability, and academic achievements but also their truthfulness, courage, sympathy, kindness, unselfishness, and fellowship towards others in addition to their devotion to duty and protection of the weak.  They need to be born leaders with a keen instinct and interest in their surroundings.

The Rhodes Trust Bursaries Available

To qualify for a bursary from the Rhodes Trust candidates must hold at least their 1st Degree, therefore, candidates currently in their last year of study for their 1st Degree are eligible.  Students get a two-year study period that could under specific conditions be extended to three-year studies if they are heading for DPhil.

Here are some of the available study fields for the Rhodes Trust Bursary:

  • Ancient History – DPhil
  • Ancient Philosophy – MSt
  • Anthropology – DPhil
  • Bachelor of Civil Law – BCL
  • Bible Interpretation – MSt
  • Biochemistry – DPhil
  • Computer Science – DPhil
  • Executive MBA – EMBA
  • Experimental Psychology DPhil
  • Geography & the Environment – MPhil
  • Global Business PGDip
  • Global Health Science – MSc
  • Management Studies – DPhil
  • Materials – DPhil
  • Physiology, Anatomy, and Genetics – DPhil
  • Plant Science – DPhil
  • Politics DPhil
  • Sociology & Demography – MPhil
  • Software & System Security – MSc

For more study fields at Oxford, take a look at their fields available here.

The Rhodes Trust Bursaries Requirements 

  • Candidates must be South African citizens with a valid ID Book / Card and be permanent residents.
  • Candidates must possess or obtain a first class in their disciplines.
  • Candidates must be between 19 & 25 to qualify unless they are medical students or doctors then the age limit is 27.
  • Candidates of any race, gender, religion, disability, social background or ethnic origin may apply.

The Rhodes Trust Bursaries Application 

The Bursaries online applications can be found on their website if there are any interested candidates.

  • Candidates applying must also provide the following documentation:
  • Candidates must provide a certified copy of their birth certificates as proof of their age.
  • Candidates must provide certified copies of their Degree certificates.
  • Candidates need to provide a certified record of their academic results that is official.
  • Candidates must supply information regarding any employment or business undertaking they were involved in while studying or after completion of studies.
  • Candidates must provide a detailed CV including their high school and college or university careers as well as their cultural, sports, political and community activities or involvements.
Candidates must also include a personal statement of 1000 words or less with the following:

  • Give a thorough indication of your future plans for your life once your studies have been completed.
  • Explain your aims and priorities as well as the contributions you are planning to make to society in general.
  • State the chosen field of study or degree you wish to pursue and show that you can meet the requirements of the chosen study field.
  • If a candidate wishes to study further towards a DPhil they should include an outline of their suggested research.
  • Candidates must write and sign this personal statement on their own with no aid from others.

The personal statement is extremely important to the application and ought to be taken seriously.

Candidates must ensure that all people listed as referees have valid and working contact details included where they can be contacted by the committee.  Include home and business lines, as well as cell phone numbers, e-mail addresses, and postal addresses.  Get permission from the people you select as referees and only use people that are most likely to respond even to written requests.  Four of the chosen referees ought to be University Lecturers or teachers who would be able to comment on your academic capability.  It is not preferable to use friends as referees but rather people who can comment from a critical perspective such as school teachers or ministers.

Please be informed to add your personal home address, home phone number, cell phone number and e-mail address in addition to all the required documentation.

To send your applications via the postal system please bear in mind that all documents have to be certified copies and not originals, do not staple, bind or fold the application.

Applications can be mailed to:

The Rhodes Scholarships in South Africa

The General Secretary

Mr. Ndumiso Luthuli

P.O. Box 41468




South Africa

E-mail at [email protected]

The Rhodes Trust Bursaries Closing Date

The closing date for applications is usually the middle of August each year.  If you are up for a challenge and have what it takes apply now.

That’s the much we can take on the topic “The Rhodes Trust Bursaries/Scholarship Online Application Form pdf”.

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