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Have you been struggling with passing your post UTME exams? Here are the 10 BRILLIANT TIPS TO PASS 2024 POST UTME EXAMS and gain admission
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Are you looking for how to pass post UTME exams? Do you want to pass the 2024/2025 post UTME of any school in Nigeria? If yes, then you are in the right place. Today I will teach you 10 brilliant tips on how to prepare for Post UTME at any university or polytechnic in Nigeria. I enjoin you to read painstakingly, as I will highlight the ultimate preparation tips to pass the 2024 post-UTME screening examinations.


1. Have the mindset of Success

Why is this the first step in today's guidelines? Having the mindset of a Successful student is the first and surest step towards any form of progress in life. 
Be motivated to pass your Post UTME this year. If you don’t continually prepare yourself and mind to pass this exam, there is nothing someone else can do to prepare you.

Don’t take what comes, go for what you want. Desire a Post UTME score and work towards making it a reality. Alway’s tell yourself, “I must pass this Post UTME examination once and for all”.

2. Don't get discouraged by your JAMB Score

Many-a-time, one of the main reasons why a lot of candidates fail to make it through the Post UTME exams is a result of low self-esteem due to their JAMB scores. One thing is to Score high marks in your JAMB Examination, another is to score high and beat the School's Departmental cut-off marks.

However, you need to develop a positive attitude toward your Post UTME irrespective of your Jamb score. Always strive to pass the Post UTME examination irrespective of what you think you scored in Jamb.

Post-UTME is a very important factor that determines who gains admission. Even if you scored low in Jamb, you still have a golden opportunity to study your desired course at the University.

A very high Post UTME score can help boost your Jamb result. 

One of the greatest mistakes candidates make in Post-UTME is thinking that their high JAMB score is enough. Don’t be deceived, no matter how high your JAMB score may be, a low Post UTME score will disgrace it.

3. Gather Relevant Information:

A lot of candidates have insufficient or poor information about how the exam will play out, they have no clue whatsoever of how many questions they will be asked, and what form the examination will be set in, and it is for these reasons that having relevant information is paramount.

You should know beforehand whether you are writing a paper-based test or a computer-based examination, your information gathering will help you know how much time is allotted to your paper, and will help you while studying to time yourself as you practice questions, giving you an edge over thousands of candidates who only find out about the time allotted for the paper only minutes before the exam commences.

Also, you should check to know the terrain of the school. If possible, travel to the school and ask around. Ensure you have somewhere to stay a day or two before your examination (if out of state). This is important since you need to be well-rested before sitting for an examination if you hope to give it your best and perform well.

Finally, try to gather as much information as you can about your university and department of choice, especially such things as the required subject combination and cut-off mark from the previous year; as this could prove the difference between you and other inexperienced candidates, and whether you get admission to your preferred course of study or not.

4. Avoid Procrastination

Later things… This is the language of procrastinators. They always think there is time. My dear, do whatever you need to do now. Time is an asset and not a handset.

The later you always say doesn't come as expected. Learn to live your life with a sense of urgency. Have the mentality, “I am behind schedule…”. Your Post UTME examination is not far. Say no to procrastination.

5. Study with Past Questions

Dear friends, do not fall into the misguided conception that you can go it alone! It is important to have a clear understanding of the questions you are likely to be asked and the likely areas the questions might come from, and what better way to do that than with questions from previous examinations?

How do I get Post UTME past questions for my University of choice? It is very easy. Yes, it is! We have compiled FREE and RELIABLE Post UTME Past questions and answers for various Institutions; you don't have to pay for it anymore. 

Click HERE to download FREE Post UTME Past Questions for your Institution.

So, do try your best to get relevant past questions that apply to your school and department, and go through them each day, and be fully prepared for the exams you're about to sit for.

6. Set your Target score

Your background check should tell you the cut-off mark of your department of choice, hence your target point. You have to set a target for yourself and determine in your heart that you can achieve it, as you work towards it.

Make sure the only thing that robs you of sleep is how to successfully meet your target score. Ensure that whatever target you set is above what you scored in UTME since you will need to do better than your UTME performance to make the merit list of your department.

7. Reduce your time on Social Media

Some people live their entire life on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Whatsapp etc. This is so bad and disastrous if you are preparing for exams. Try and reduce your time spending on social media during this time. Maybe, after the exams, you can go back and make it your second home, (just saying).

8. Learn To Remember

To pass Post UTME once and for all, you must learn to remember. It is not just enough to read. It is more important to remember what you have read.

The difference between someone who reads for shorter hours but passes very well and another who studies for long hours but doesn’t perform well is “ the ability to remember”.

Study to remember and not to forget. If you can remember all you have read, then success will smile on you. Do whatever it takes to pass the Post UTME examination genuinely.

9. Learn To Solve Without a Calculator

I know you cannot give me the correct answer to 2/3 right now without a calculator. I can see that you are trying to get the answer. No, don't give me that look, I know just what I'm saying.

Most schools do not allow the use of external calculators in their Post UTME examination. Therefore, you must learn to solve problems without pressing your calculator. It is time to temporarily break the covenant you have with calculators.

10. Give yourself enough time to rest

Another factor that causes low exam performance is STRESSStress as we all know is very disastrous to the Human body. You need to give your body the maximum amount of rest it needs. Reading, reading and reading all day long is great, but isn't advisable at all; according to scientific research, the Human brain is always at work, even when we're asleep. Give your brain time to relax from the previous tasks so as to recover and work efficiently. But I don't advise you to sleep all your life away; "There's plenty of time to sleep when we die, yunno."

NOTE: We can't cover everything in this article alone, we'll be continuing this discussion some other day. 

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