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Federal University Gusau (FUGUSAU) Pre-Degree Form 2023/2024

The management of the Federal University, Gusau (FUGUSAU) is now selling forms for admission into its pre-degree programme for the 2023/2024 session
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Federal University Gusau (FUGUSAU) Pre-Degree Form: Applications are being accepted from suitably qualified candidates for admission to the Federal University of Gusau (FUGUSAU) pre-degree programme for the 2023/2024 academic session.

Federal University Gusau (FUGUSAU) Pre-Degree Form

The Pre-degree Programme is developed for students studying Science, Social Science, or Art and is intended to prepare them for admission into undergraduate courses at the University.

How to Apply for FUGUSAU Pre-Degree Admission Form

The application cost is ₦4,500 (Four Thousand Five Hundred) plus a transaction fee of ₦300 (Three Hundred Naira).

  1. To generate an invoice online, go to Print and Proceed to any Bank Branch to make Payment.
  2. Following payment, you return to the portal and click on the Verify Payment link ( Use your Application No and the RRR on the printed invoice to log in to to finish filling up the form.
  3. Following FINAL SUBMISSION Print out your slip for future reference.
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