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UDUTH School of Midwifery Admission Form 2023/2024

The management of the School of Midwifery, Usmanu Danfodiyo University Teaching Hospital (UDUTH) has released the Admission form School of Midwifery
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UDUTH School of Midwifery Admission Form: The management of Usmanu Danfodiyo University Teaching Hospital's School of Midwifery (UDUTH) has begun the sale of application forms for admission into its 3-year basic training in midwifery education for the 2023/2024 academic session.

UDUTH School of Midwifery Admission Form

Duration: The school offers a 3-year basic training in midwifery education.

UDUTH School of Midwifery Admission Requirements

Applicants must have five (5) credits in English Language, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, and Biology from NECO, WAEC, or NABTEB in no more than two (2) sittings.

How to Apply for UDUTH School of Midwifery Admission Exercise 

  1. Interested candidates can obtain the application form on payment of a NON-REFUNDABLE sum of Five Thousand Naira (₦5,000) only through remita
  2. Candidates should visit and select Usmanu Danfodiyo University Teaching Hospital Sokoto from the MDA (ministry, department and agencies) remita payment menu
  3. Under “Service” select “UDUTH School of Midwifery” Fill in ₦7,000 under service amount while filling in all other correct information then click “Generate Payment Instruction
  4. Using the generated Remita (RRR Number), go to any Bank to make a payment.
  5. Bring generated teller of payment with Remita Slip to SOM-UDUTH Cashier and collect the receipt.
  6. Bring one copy of Remita Slip and receipt collected from SOM-UDUTH Cashier to the SCHOOL OF MIDWIFERY UDUTH SOKOTO to get your Serial Number and Pin
  7. Visit and insert the Pin and Serial Number given to you.
  8. Fill in your information accurately and submit it after acknowledgement.
  9. Please come along with a printed copy of your application form on the date of the Entrance Exams.

Important Dates:

  • Application Commencement: 2nd October 2023.
  • Application Deadline: 22nd November 2023.
  • Entrance Examination Date: 2nd December, 2023.
  • Oral Interview Date: 4th December to 7th December, 2023.
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