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International Excellence Scholarships at University of Waikato, New Zealand 2023

International Excellence Scholarships at the University of Waikato, New Zealand scholarship for students into various degree programmes 2023/2024
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International Excellence Scholarships at the University of Waikato, New Zealand 2023 - The University of Waikato, New Zealand is awarding an exciting opportunity to students who want to undertake a degree program at the Institution.

The University of Waikato International Excellence Scholarship was established to promote educational opportunities, foster internationalisation and support talented international students who are enrolling into foundation, undergraduate, or postgraduate programmes for the first time at the University of Waikato.

Please read all of the instructions on this page before applying for this scholarship.

Scholarship Value: NZD$15,000 

Application Deadline: None

International Excellence Scholarships at the University of Waikato, New Zealand 2023

Application Deadline: Applications for 2023 can be submitted at any time.

Eligible Countries: International

Type:  Undergraduate, Postgraduate (Taught).

Value of Award: The scholarship will cover tuition fees (at the home level) and provide a stipend of Up to NZD$15,000 towards tuition fees.

Number of Awards: Not Mentioned

Scholarship Eligibility:

  1. Applicants must be enrolling for the first time into undergraduate or postgraduate programmes at the University of Waikato.
  2. Applicants must be International students
  3. Applicants must have good academic records

How to Apply:

Admission applications for a programme at the law school must be made online. Students are required to fill out the scholarship application form and then submit it online.

Apply For This Scholarship


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