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RSUST Clearance Exercise for New Students 2023/2024

The management of Rivers State University (RSU) has released the clearance requirements for newly admitted students for 2023/2024 sessions
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River State University Physical Clearance Exercise: This is to inform all candidates who were offered Provisional Admission and have accepted the offer of admission into Year One (1) and Direct Entry for the 2023/2024 academic session that they are to appear for clearance.

River State University Physical Clearance Exercise

River State University Physical Clearance Exercise shall commence from Tuesday, 24th January 2024, to Friday, 10th February 20234 by 9.00 am – 3.00 pm daily, at the Information, Communication and Technology Centre (ICTC) of the University.

RSUST Clearance Exercise Requirements

Candidates are to come with their credentials for the Clearance Exercise as follows:


  1. Admission Letter from Jamb
  2. Original JAMB Result
  3. Accepted Admission Status from Jamb (Caps)
  4. Original O’level Certificates
  5. Birth Certificate
  6. LGA Identification Letter
  7. Acceptance Fee Receipt

The University Authority wishes to emphasize that any candidate who fails to accept this/her admission before the expiration of the deadline will lose the admission.

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