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CONAMKAT Basic Midwifery D.E Admission List 2024

The list of candidates admitted into the Katsina State College of Nursing and Midwifery Direct Entry nursing programmes for the 2023/2024 session
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CONAMKAT Basic Midwifery Direct Entry Admission List: This is to inform all candidates who participated in the CONAMKAT Basic Midwifery admission processes for 2024 that the admission list has been released by the institution and is available to applicants on the school website. In light of this, the management wishes to congratulate the successful applicants and to inform them of the date, procedures, and documents needed for post-admission screening. 

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CONAMKAT Direct Entry Nursing Admission List

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This is to notify all candidates who applied for admission to the Katsina State College of Nursing and Midwifery (CONAMKAT) Direct Entry Nursing Programme during the 2023/2024 academic session that the institution's management has released the list of successfully admitted candidates.

NOTE: The ONLINE Registration will begin on Wednesday, February 1st, 2024 and will end on Monday, February 26th, 2024.

How to Check the CONAMKAT D.E Nursing Admission List

Online Registration Method 

  1. Go to the CONAMKAT portal at
  2. Click on “Student Portal
  4. Click on REGISTRATION GUIDELINES to read and follow the guideline for online registration.

DOCUMENTATION: All successful candidates MUST present to Nana Babajo College of Nursing Sciences, Satellite Campus Malumfashi, the ORIGINAL and 3 copies of the under-listed:

  1. College Admission Letter (To be printed online, COLOURED and on a cream CONQUEROR Paper)
  2. Biodata Printout
  3. Course Registration Form
  4. Payment Slip
  5. Completed Acceptance Form
  6. Completed ID Card Form
  7. Completed Library Form
  8. Completed Undertaking Letter
  9. Completed Guarantor’s Form
  10. Medical Examination Form
  11. Six (6) Passport Photographs
  12. Acknowledgement Card
  13. SSCE Certificate or Statement of Result
  14. Secondary School Testimonial jamb Portal
  15. Primary Certificate
  16. Primary School Testimonial
  17. Indigene Letter
  18. Hostel Fee Payment Slip (for those that will stay in the hostel)
  19. Hostel Allocation Form (for those that will stay in the hostel)
  20. Result Scratch Card(s)
  21. One (1) A4 Rim Paper 200 Romantic Love messages

NOTE: Items 1 – 10, 18 and 19 can be printed from the Registration Portal.

Failure to register by Monday 20th February 2024 means forfeiture of admission.

Commencement of Lecture: Monday, 27th March, 2024. 

Congratulations to all the candidates who made it to the CONAMKAT Basic Midwifery Direct Entry Admission List for the 2023/2024 Academic Session.

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