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UI Undergraduate Accommodation Fee Payment Guide 2023

Learn how to pay for your accommodation fee at UI as an undergraduate student. Find out the steps, requirements, and deadlines for the 2023 session.
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UI Undergraduate Accommodation Fee Payment: If you're a student with aspirations to secure accommodation at the esteemed University of Ibadan (UI) for the upcoming 2022/2023 academic session, it's imperative that you meticulously adhere to the comprehensive procedure provided below. This guide is exclusively tailored for the payment of Accommodation Only, ensuring you have a smooth experience as you embark on this essential process.

UI Undergraduate Accommodation Fee Payment Guide

Step-by-Step Guide to Making Your Accommodation Payment

Follow this comprehensive step-by-step guide to effortlessly navigate the process of securing accommodation for the upcoming academic session:

1. Access the Official Remita Platform

Initiate the process by visiting the official Remita platform, accessible at This platform serves as the starting point for your accommodation payment journey.

2. Select the Appropriate Payment Option

Upon reaching the Remita platform, identify and click on the option labeled "Pay TSA & State." This selection will set the stage for your payment process.

3. Choose the Government Entity

Opt for the category titled "FGN: Federal Government of Nigeria." This step ensures you're selecting the correct governmental entity for your transaction.

4. Specify the Institution for Payment

In the designated section labeled "Who do you want to Pay," make sure to select "University of Ibadan – 1000107." This choice accurately directs your payment to the university.

5. Indicate the Purpose of Payment

Navigate to the "Name of service/Purpose" section and meticulously choose "ACCOMMODATION UNDERGRADUATE" as the purpose of your payment. Precision at this stage is essential.

6. Enter the GIFMIS Code

Enter the GIFMIS code "0000" to ensure seamless processing of your payment within the system.

7. Provide Your Personal Details

Fill out the remaining sections with your personal details, ensuring accuracy and completeness in the information you provide. This step customizes the process to your unique circumstances.

Payment Details & Important Notes

Here's a breakdown of the payment details and crucial notes to keep in mind as you proceed with your accommodation payment:

  • For Freshers (New Students): The accommodation fee is ₦60,000.
  • For Returning Students (UI only): The accommodation fee is ₦45,000.
  • For Returning Students (ABH Occupants): The accommodation fee is ₦60,000.

It's important to note that the payer's name must align with the student's name. The use of names belonging to relatives or guardians is not permissible. This measure ensures the accuracy and accountability of the payment process.

In the context of payment, accuracy is paramount. Ensure you meticulously select the "NAME OF SERVICE/PURPOSE" exactly as outlined in step 5. Moreover, it's vital to choose the appropriate fee amount that corresponds to your status to prevent any discrepancies. Payments made into an incorrect fee category will not be eligible for refunds.

By following this detailed guide and adhering to the specified steps, you are guaranteed a streamlined and successful process of securing accommodation at the University of Ibadan for the 2022/2023 academic session.

Experience the convenience of a well-structured procedure that caters to your needs and ensures a seamless transition into university life. Remember, this process is exclusively designed for Accommodation Only payments, giving you the peace of mind that you're on the right track to securing your desired accommodation.

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