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UNILAG Post UTME Result for 2023/2024 Session is Out

The Management of the University of Lagos (UNILAG) has officially released the just concluded post-UTME Screening results for the 2023/2024 session
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UNILAG Post UTME Result: The Management of the University of Lagos (UNILAG) has officially announced the release of its just concluded post-UTME screening exercise results for the 2023/2024 academic session. This pivotal announcement pertains to all candidates who participated in the post-UTME aptitude test. In this article, you will find comprehensive details about the release, how to check your scores, and additional important information.

UNILAG Post UTME Screening Form

UNILAG Post UTME Results Announcement

It’s an exciting moment for all candidates who recently sat for the University of Lagos (UNILAG) post-UTME aptitude test. The university management has uploaded the results online for the 2023/2024 academic session, marking a significant step in the admission process.

How to Check Your UNILAG Post-UTME Result

Checking your UNILAG post-UTME score is a straightforward process. Here’s a step-by-step guide to accessing your results:

  1. Go to the UNILAG Post UTME Result Portal: Visit the UNILAG post UTME result checking portal at
  2. Enter Your JAMB Registration Number: You will find a designated field where you should input your JAMB registration number. This number is unique to you and is essential for retrieving your result.
  3. Click the ‘Check Result’ Button: After entering your registration number, click on the ‘Check Result’ button to view your UNILAG post-UTME score.

Important Notice for Post-UTME Candidates

Candidates should be aware that there is an additional requirement for the admission process. If you are a post-UTME candidate and have not yet uploaded your O’level results on the JAMB Central Admissions Processing System (CAPS), you are strongly urged to do so as soon as possible.

Please note: Candidates with no O’level results uploaded on their JAMB CAPS will not be considered for admission. This is a critical aspect of the admission process, and failure to comply may result in exclusion from the selection process.

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