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University of Ibadan School Fee Payment Guidelines for 2023/2024 Session

The management of the University of Ibadan, UI has released the School Fee Payment Guidelines for the 2023/2024 academic session. See details below
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University of Ibadan School Fee Payment Guidelines: The University of Ibadan, a renowned institution of higher learning, has unveiled comprehensive guidelines for fee payments for the academic session 2023/2024. To ensure a seamless and hassle-free fee payment and registration process, the following guidelines have been put in place:

University of Ibadan School Fee Payment Guidelines

A. Login Procedure

  1. Access the University Portal

To initiate the fee payment process, you are required to log in to the University's official student portal. Simply visit using your preferred web browser.

  1. Provide Your Login Details

Enter your login credentials:

  • Username: Use your student institutional email or matriculation number
  • Password: Input your last name in lowercase
  1. Select the Current Academic Session

Upon successful login, navigate to the top right corner and choose the academic session as "2023-2024."

  1. Change Your Password

As part of security measures, you will be prompted to change your password. Provide your old password and create a new one of your choice. Confirm the new password and click on the update button to proceed.

B. Step-by-Step Payment Instructions

  1. Access Your Dashboard

After successfully changing your password, you will be directed to your personalized dashboard.

  1. Navigate to the Fees Section

On the left-hand side menu, locate and click on the "Fees" section.

  1. Access Your Fees

Within the Fees section, click on "My Fees."

  1. Compulsory Fees

The following fees are obligatory for all student categories:

  • a. Bundled Fee or School Fee
  • b. Technology Levy – This fee is to be paid separately.
  • c. Utility Levy - This fee is also to be paid separately.
  1. Specific Faculty Levies

For students of the College of Medicine, the Health Professional Levy or Laboratory Professional Fee is mandatory. Similarly, students of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine must pay the Special DVM Levy. These fees are to be paid separately.

  1. Fee Selection and Confirmation

Select the checkbox next to the fee option you are paying and click on the "Proceed" button.

  1. Verify Payment Details

Confirm the accuracy of your payment details.

  1. Initiate Payment

Click on the "Proceed to Pay" button.

  1. Payment Platform

You will be directed to the payment platform.

  1. Choose Your Payment Method

Select your preferred payment option, which could be card, bank transfer, branch payment, or Remita.

  1. Complete Payment

Follow the payment instructions associated with your chosen payment method to successfully complete the payment process.

C. Confirmation of Successful Payment

  1. Redirected to Registration Portal

Upon successfully completing the payment, you will be redirected to the registration portal.

  1. Transaction Verification

Navigate to the "Fees" section and select "Transactions" to verify the status of your payment.

  1. Access Payment Details

For successful transactions, click on the eye icon under "Actions" to access your payment details. You can also download a PDF version for your records.

  1. Receipt Issuance

A Remita receipt will be sent to your email as confirmation of your payment.

  1. Failed Transaction

In case of a failed transaction resulting in a debit, click the refresh icon to update the transaction status.

D. Course Registration

  1. Departmental Guidance

For course registration, kindly consult your respective department for guidance on the courses you should register for.

  1. Online Registration Process

Detailed information on the online registration process will be communicated to your email in the upcoming days. We advise you to regularly check your email for updates.

E. Support

For any inquiries or assistance, please feel free to contact us via email at [email protected]. Our Information Technology & Media Services team is dedicated to providing you with the support you need.

In conclusion, the University of Ibadan is committed to streamlining the fee payment and registration process for the 2023/2024 academic session. By following these outlined guidelines, you can ensure a smooth and successful fee payment experience, thereby enabling you to focus on your academic journey. Should you require any further assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out to our support team. 

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