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FCET Umunze NCE Admission Form 2023/2024: How to Apply, Eligibility and Deadline

The Federal College of Education (Technical) Umunze has released the NCE admission form for the 2023/2024 academic session. See how to Apply below
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FCET Umunze NCE Admission Form: Are you ready to embark on an educational journey that will shape your future? The Federal College of Education (Technical) Umunze is pleased to announce that the NCE (National Certificate in Education) admission forms for the 2023/2024 academic session are now available. This is your opportunity to pursue a wide range of courses and kickstart your career. Read on to find out the available courses, admission requirements, and how to apply.

FCET Umunze NCE Admission Form

Available NCE Courses at FCET Umunze

Explore a diverse range of courses offered in the NCE programme:

  1. Agricultural Education
  2. Primary Education Studies
  3. Computer/Chemistry Education
  4. Computer/Mathematics Education
  5. Home Economics Education
  6. English Language Education
  7. Integrated Science Education
  8. Early Childhood Education
  9. Igbo/Maths
  10. Igbo/English
  11. Adult & Non-Formal Education
  12. Business Education (Accounting and Secretarial Education)
  13. Industrial Technical Education (Building, Automobile, Metal, Woodwork, Electrical)
  14. Pre-NCE (in Agric. Business, and Primary Education Studies)
  15. Computer/Biology Education
  16. Computer/Physics Education
  17. Igbo Computer
  18. Integrated Science/Maths
  19. Integrated Science/Physics
  20. English/Social Studies
  21. Physical and Health Education
  22. English/Political Science
  23. English/Economics

Entry Qualifications for NCE Programme

To be eligible for the NCE programme at FCET Umunze, candidates must meet the following requirements:

  • Possess SSCE, WASC, NECO, GCE, or O'Level passes in 5 subjects, including English Language and Mathematics.
  • Out of the 5 subjects, at least 3 must be at Credit level in a single sitting, or 4 Credits at two sittings.
  • At least 2 of the credits must be relevant to the course the candidate wishes to pursue.
  • Candidates with Grade II Teachers Certificate (TCII) may also apply.

How to Apply for FCET Umunze NCE Admission

Follow these steps to apply for the NCE admission:

  1. Visit the Sandwich Unit at FCE(T), Umunze, and purchase the admission form for ₦5,000.00 (Five Thousand Naira only) through the Remita Online platform.
  2. Whether FCET Umunze was your first choice in JAMB or not, you should make it your first choice now.
  3. Log in to the website to fill and submit your Screening forms online.

Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to further your education and shape your future. The FCET Umunze NCE programme is your gateway to success. Apply today and unlock the doors to a world of knowledge and career prospects. Your future begins here!

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