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College of Education Akwanga (COEAKWANGA) Post UTME Form 2023/2024

College of Education Akwanga (COEAKWANGA) Post UTME Form for 2023/2024 Academic Session has been released by the school management
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College of Education Akwanga (COEAKWANGA) Post UTME Form: This is to notify the general public and aspirants that the College of Education Akwanga (COEAKWANGA) is now selling the post-UTME screening exercise application form for admission into its various NCE programmes for the 2023/2024 academic session. See below the requirements and how to apply for the College of Education Akwanga post UTME form.

College of Education Akwanga (COEAKWANGA) Post UTME Form

Applications are invited from suitably qualified candidates for admission into the College of Education Akwanga (COEAKWANGA) NCE programmes for the 2023/2024 academic session.

COE Akwanga Post UTME Eligibility

  • Candidates that scored 100 and above in the 2023 UTME Examination and chose College of Education, Akwanga as 1st choice.
  • Candidates who choose the College as their Second, Third and Fourth choices are hereby informed that they must apply for a Change of Institution; making College of Education, Akwanga their 1st Choice.

How to Apply for College of Education Akwanga Post UTME Exercise 

  • Candidates are to log into the College website to create an account and generate an invoice and pay the sum of two thousand three hundred and twenty-two naira fifty kobo (₦2,322.50) including vat through the central billing system (CBS).
  • Click HERE to Apply for the COEAKWANGA Post UTME Form
  • Candidates are to print out the BIO-DATA and attach it with the photocopies of their credentials and submit it to the Admission Office College of Education Akwanga,
  • Candidates are advised to adhere to the above conditions strictly and in their own interest, please.

No Sales or Purchase of Offline application forms from individuals or agents online. Beware of Scammers.

Candidates are given one month from the date of commencement to complete all the necessary procedures.

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