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Isa Mustapha Agwai Polytechnic (IMAP) Pre-ND & IJMB Admission Forms 2024/2025

Isa Mustapha Agwai Polytechnic (IMAP) / NASPOLY Pre-ND & IJMB Admission Forms for 2024/2025 Academic Session has been released. See how to apply
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Isa Mustapha Agwai Polytechnic (IMAP) Pre-ND & IJMB Admission Forms

Isa Mustapha Agwai Polytechnic (IMAP) Pre-ND & IJMB Admission Forms: Nasarawa State Polytechnic (now Isa Mustapha Agwai Polytechnic) Pre-National Diploma (pre-ND) and Interim Joint Matriculation Board Examination (IJMBE) programmes admission form for the 2024/2025 academic session has commenced. See how to obtain Nasarawa State Poly pre-ND and IJMB forms below.

Applications are invited from suitably qualified candidates for Admission into Pre-ND and IJMB programmes of Nasarawa State Polytechnic (now Isa Mustapha Agwai Polytechnic) for the 2024/2025 academic session.

Nasarawa State Polytechnic (NASPOLY) Pre-ND / IJMB admission form is obtainable online.

Pre-ND Courses

  1. Pre-ND AccountancyPre-ND Architectural Technology
  2. Pre-ND Autotronics Engineering Technology
  3. Pre-ND Business Administration and Management
  4. Pre-ND Civil Engineering Technology
  5. Pre-ND Computer Science
  6. Pre-ND Electrical/Electronic Engineering
  7. Pre-ND Estate Management
  8. Pre-ND Hospitality Management
  9. Pre-ND Leisure and Tourism management
  10. Pre-ND Library and Information Science
  11. Pre-ND Local Government Studies
  12. Pre-ND Mass Communication
  13. Pre-ND Mechanical Engineering Technology
  14. Pre-ND Mechatronics Engineering Technology
  15. Pre-ND Office Technology Management
  16. Pre-ND Public Administration and Management
  17. Pre-ND Quantity Survey
  18. Pre-ND Science Laboratory Technology
  19. Pre-ND Social Development
  20. Pre-ND Statistics
  21. Pre-ND Urban and Regional Planning

How to Apply for Nasarawa State Polytechnic Pre-ND/IJMB Form

Pre-National Diploma and IJMBE are obtainable at the cost of ₦4,315.00

  1. Go to
  2. Select "Admissions" menu
  3. Select "Apply online" submenu and click the Pre-ND/IJMB option
  4. A list of courses will appear, click on any course you want that is related to your SSCE result.
  5. Fill out the online form, remember to input an active email address and password that you will not forget and click the "submit" button.
  6. Application number will be generated for you automatically, take note of it.
  7. Click the "pay invoice" link (scroll down)
  8. Click on the "click to proceed" link (on top of the screen)
  9. Scroll down and click on the "to pay" link.
  10. Scroll down and pay with your Bank card (master card, visa or verve) and print the receipt after payment or pay using the Bank Branch link then print the invoice, use it and pay in any bank branch using
  11. Come back to and click the admissions menu
  12. Click on the "Apply online" submenu, then choose "Continue application"
  13. Input the application number and the password already generated in step 7 above.
  14. Input O’level subjects and grades, print receipt and form. Your application is complete.

For enquiries, please contact the following numbers: 08088746958,08036283141,08065630633,0806­­5918415,08066116058

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