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KWASU Post UTME Form 2024/2025: How to Apply, Eligibility and Deadline

Kwara State University, KWASU Post UTME Form for 2024/2025 Academic Session has been released by the school's management
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KWASU Post UTME Form 2024/2025: The Kwara State University (KWASU), Malete, is pleased to invite all candidates who selected KWASU as their institution of choice in the 2024 UTME, as well as those interested in gaining admission into KWASU, to participate in the Post-UTME/Pre-Admission Screening for the 2024/2025 admission exercise. In this article, we will provide you with all the necessary information, including eligibility criteria, requirements, and the application process.


The Kwara State University (KWASU) has commenced Undergraduate admissions processing for the 2024/2025 academic session.

KWASU Post UTME Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible for the KWASU Post-UTME Screening exercise, candidates must meet the following criteria:

  1. Candidates who selected Kwara State University, Malete as either their first or second choice of institution.
  2. Candidates who wish to choose KWASU as their first choice must change their choice of institution to KWASU on the JAMB Portal before proceeding with the Pre-Admission Screening Registration.
  3. All candidates must have a minimum of five (5) O'level credits in relevant subjects, obtained in not more than two (2) sittings. Candidates who are awaiting O'level results are also eligible to apply, but their admission will be contingent upon the availability of their results.

How to Apply for the KWASU Post-UTME Screening Exercise

Follow the step-by-step procedure below to successfully complete the KWASU Post-UTME Screening Exercise:

  1. Pay a non-refundable Application fee of Two Thousand Naira (₦2,000) only.
  2. Visit the official KWASU Portal at and click on the "Click here to apply" link.
  3. Select the "Undergraduate" option from the top menu bar.
  4. Enter your JAMB Registration Number and click on "Continue."
  5. Fill in the required details on the basic information page. Please ensure that you provide a valid phone number and email address. Then, click "Next" to proceed.
  6. On the payment review page, click on "Make Payment" to proceed to the payment page.
  7. Provide your ATM card details (Mastercard, Visa, or Verve) and submit the necessary information.
  8. Enter the "OTP code" sent to your phone and click "Continue" to complete the payment process.
  9. After a successful payment, click on "Main login" on the portal. Enter your JAMB registration number as the username and your surname as the password.
  10. Click on "Login to dashboard" to access your dashboard and complete your registration.
  11. Once you have completed your registration, make sure to print the registration form and payment receipt for your records.

Note: In case of a failed payment attempt due to network issues after being debited, you can requery your payment by entering your JAMB registration number and phone number. Simply press the tab button to display the Requery interface below the page, and then follow the instructions provided.

For any support or assistance, please contact [email protected].

Important Information for Candidates

In addition to the aforementioned requirements, it is crucial for all candidates to be aware of the following:

  1. Final admission into KWASU is subject to meeting the University's and the Academic Programmes' cut-off points in UTME/DE. Admission is also dependent on the availability of spaces within the NUC-approved admission quota for Kwara State University, Malete (KWASU).
  2. Any form of falsification of citizenship certificates or any other documents will lead to disqualification and possible prosecution.

Closing Date and Further Enquiries

The closing date for online registration for the KWASU Post-UTME screening exercise is Sunday, August 25th, 2024. Candidates are advised to stay updated and visit the official KWASU website at for further enquiries, updates, extensions, and additional instructions. You can also contact the following numbers via calls, WhatsApp, or text messages: 08136965076, 09067939787, 08155498780.

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