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NDA 2018 CHEMISTRY Past Questions

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NDA 2018 CHEMISTRY Past Questions

1. A battery converts ___.
A. Chemical Energy to Kinetic Energy
B. Chemical Energy to Electrical Energy
C. Electrical to Chemical and Electrical Energy

2. Chemical substance that speeds up the rate of a chemical reaction is called __.
A. Pressure
B. Concentration
C. Catalyst
D. Inhibitors

3. Bases (OH-) are substances that __
A. Are corrosive
B. Turn litmus from blue to red
C. Turns litmus from red to blue
D. Are non-metal oxides

4. Chemical formula of Silver Chloride is ___.
A. Ag2Cl3
B. AgCl
C. AgClO
D. AgCl. H20

5. When an acid (H-) is added to an alkali (OH-), the product is ___.
A. Hydroxides
B. Water
C. Salts
D. Oxygen gas

6. The reddish-brown rust on iron roofing sheets consists of ___.
A. Fe3O4.2H2O
B. FeO. H20
C. Fe3+ (H2O)6
D. Fe2O3. 3H20

7. Which of the following metals will displace iron from a solution of iron (II) tetraoxosulphate (IV)?
A. Copper
B. Mercury
C. Silver
D. Zinc

8. The IUPAC name of the compound NaAlH4 is ___.
A. Tetrahydridosodium Aluminate (III)
B. Sodium Aluminium Hydride
C. Sodium tetrahydridoaluminate (III)
D. Aluminium Tetrahydrido Sodium

9. 2.5g of a hydrated barium salt gave on heating 2.13g of anhydrous salt. Given that the relative molecular mass of the anhydrous salt is 208, the number of molecules of water of crystallization of the barium salt is ___.
A. 10
B. 7
C. 8
D. 2

10. The type of bonding [Cu (NH3)4]2+ is ___.
A. Dative
B. Electrovalent
C. Metallic
D. Covalent

nda past questions, chemistry 2018

11. The curve above depicts titration between __.
A. Weak Acid and Weak Base
B. Strong Acid and Strong Base
C. Weak Acid and Strong Base
D. Strong Acid and Weak Base

12.  Steam changes colour of anhydrous cobalt (II) chloride from ___.
A. White to blue
B. Blue to pink
C. Oxygen to white
D. White to red

13. The first metal used by man was __.
A. Gold
B. Copper
C. Iron
D. Bronze

14. The forces of attraction that exist between non-polar molecules are called __.
A. Covalent bonds
B. Electrovalent bonds
C. Van der Waals depression
D. Ionic bonds

15. Which of the following salt is used in the preparation of caustic soda, washing soda, hydrochloric acid, bleaching powder etc?
A. Nacl
B. NaSo4
C. Na2O
D. NaNO3

16. What volume of oxygen will remain after reacting 8cm2 of hydrogen with 20cm2 of oxygen?
A. 12cm3
B. 10cm3
C. 16cm3
D. 14cm3

17. During electrolysis of a silver salt, 10920 coulombs of electricity were passed. The number of moles of silver metal deposited is __.
A. 0.110M
B. 0.113M
C. 0.100M
D. 0.13M

18. What is IUPAC name of the compound whose structure is shown below?
nda past questions, chemistry 2018
A. 1, 2 Dimethyl Propane
B. 2, 2 Dimethyl Propane
C. 2, 3 Dimethyl Propane
D. 1, 2 Methyl Propane

19. An acid and its conjugate base ___.
A. Differ only by a proton
B. Can neutralize each other to form a salt
C. Are always neutral substances
D. Differ only by the opposite changes they carry

20. A gas is contained in 0.050m3 under 8.104 x 10Pa pressure at 293k. How many moles of gas are in the container?
A. 28.4 mol
B. 13. 6 mol
C. 17.5 mol
D. 16.6 mol

21. Which of the following gases will rekindle a brightly glowing splint?
A. O2
C. N2O
D. NO2

22. Which of the following mathematical relationship represent the first law of thermodynamics?
A. ΔU= q + w
B. ΔU = q - w
C. ΔH = u - p
D. ΔU = q-pv

23. If d represents the density of a gas and k is a constant, the rate of gaseous diffusion r is directly related to d by the equation.
A. r=Ikd
B. r= kd
C. rl = kd
D. r =kOd

24. Graphite conducts electricity because ___.
A. It contains an excess of electrons
B. It is crystalline
C. Its atoms are close together
D. Its electrons are localized

25. CO(g) + ½ O2(g)  CO2(g) ΔH= -285KJmol-1. What is the energy change in KJmol-1 for the reaction given above?( ΔH (CO) = -110.4KJmol-1, ΔH(CO2) = 393 KJmol-1)
A. -503.4 KJmol-1
B. +503.4 KJmol-1
C. -282.6 KJmol-1
D. +393.0 KJmol-1

26. The number of waves in n x 10th Bolur ‘s Orbit are __.
A. n3
B. n-2
C. n
D. n2

27. Which one of the following pairs of gases is the cause of occurrence of most of the explosion of mines?
A. Carbon dioxide and methane
B. Methane and Air
C. Oxygen and Acetylene
D. Hydrogen and Oxygen

28. The electronic configuration of excited carbon atom is __
A. 1s2s2px2py2pz1
B. 1s2s2p4
C. 1s2s2px2py1
D. 1s2 2s2 2p2

29. Which of the following processes is Iron being oxidized?
A. FeSO4 +H2 FeS +H2sSO4
B. FeCl2 +H2SO4  FeSO4 +2HCl
C. 2FeCl2 +SnCl2 +SnCl4
D. Fe + H2SO4  FeSO4 + H2

30. The composition of gunpowder is __.
A. 70% HN), 15% Charcoal and 15% Sulphur
B. 50% HNO3, 35% Charcoal and 15% Sulphur
C. 65% HNO3, 25% Charcoal and 10% Sulphur
D. 75% HNO3, 15% Charcoal and 10% Sulphur

nda past questions, chemistry 2018

31. The graph above demonstrates the effect of ___.
A. Concentration on the rate of reaction
B. Pressure on rate of reaction
C. Catalyst on the rate of reaction
D. Surface area on rate of reactant

32. In the Haber process for the manufacture of ammonia, the catalyst commonly used in a finely divided iron is used as ___.
A. Iron
B. Copper
C. Vanadium
D. Platinum

33. For the reaction 2H+ +Zn  H2 +Zn2+ ΔG = -147KJmol-1
What is the corresponding valve of EO cell ?
A. 0.76 V
B. -1.52 V
C. 1.52 V
D. -0.76 V
34. The number of oxygen atoms on 0.5 mole of KHSO4 is __.
A. 2.4 x 1024
B. 1.2 x 1023
C. 1.2 x 1024
D. 3.0 x 1023

35. The alkenes form a homogenous series of saturated hydrocarbons. They have a general molecular formula of __.
A. Cn H2n+2
B. Cn H3n+2
C. Cn H2n
D. CnH2n +1

36. Tin is unaffected by air at ordinary temperature due to its?
A. Weak electropositive Character
B. High boiling point
C. White lustrous appearance
D. Low melting point

37. In an electrochemical cell, polarization is caused by?
A. Tetra-oxosulphate (iv) acid
B. Oxygen
C. Hydrogen
D. Chlorine

38. PC I5(l) ⇋ PC I3(l) + Cl(2)(g) ΔH =+ve.

In the reaction above, the forward reaction is favoured by?
A. Increasing the temperature
B. Adding a catalyst
C. Increasing the pressure
D. Increasing the size of the containing vessel

39. On exposure to the atmosphere, a hydrated salt loses its water crystallization to become anhydrous. This phenomenon is referred to as__.
A. Deliquescence
B. Hygroscope
C. Hydrolysis
D. Efflorescence
nda past questions, chemistry 2018

40. In the diagram above, which of the curves illustrates Arrhenius law?
A. Z
B. Y
C. X
D. R

1. B
2. C
3. C
4. B
5. B
6. D
7. D
8. C
9. D
10. A
11. A
12. B
13. B
14. C
15. A
16. C
17. B
18. B
19. A
20. C
21. A
22. A
23. B
24. A
25. C
26. D
27. B
28. A
29. D
30. D
31. D
32. A
33. B
34. C
35. C
36. A
37. C
38. A
39. D
40. A

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