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Section A: Comprehension

Answer all questions in your Answer Sheet

INSTRUCTIONS: Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow:

Nigeria has witnessed several religious crises. The Maitatsine carnage is an example. It is painful that whenever there is any form of crisis in the country, the government only reacts by setting up a commission of inquiry. Quite often, such inquiries are used as instruments for destroying political opponents. In the end, neither the government nor the people learn lessons from the findings of such inquiries.

Many things are responsible for the religious crisis in Nigeria. Open air-preaching is a major factor. Religionists often barricade the streets and usurp the front space of other people's houses in the frantic endeavour to win converts. This is an awful scene which is possible only in Nigeria. People should preach in the church or mosque or better still hire halls for their religious activities.
Some people see religion as a lucrative enterprise. This alone shows why people are ready to kill themselves in the name of religion. If the rate at which Nigerian troops see religion these days is a reflection of their godliness, why is the rate of crime rapidly increasing? Why are some of the religious leaders caught in criminal acts?

For each of the following words, choose from the list of words and supply another word or phrase that means the same and which can replace the one in the passage.

1. Crises 
A. Uprising
B. Uprisings
C. Crimes
D. Riot

2. Carnage
A. Destruction
B. Destructions
C. Damage
D. Damages

3. Barricade 
A. Obstacle 
B. Obstacles
C. Stoppage
D. Stoppages

4. Endeavour 
A. Undertaking 
B. Undertakings
C. Bid
D. Attempt

5. Lucrative 
A. Profitable 
B. Expensive
C. Gainful
D. Money making 

6.  "Why some religious leaders are caught in criminal acts" is grammatically known as __.
A. prepositional phrase
B. adjectival phrase
C. adverbial phrase
D. none of the above

7. What figure of speech is "Nigeria has witnessed several religious crises''
A. metaphor
B. personification
C. hyperbole
D. simile

8. Why are some of the religious leaders caught in criminal acts? What grammatical name is given to this type of question?
A. unanswered question
B. rhetorical question
C. absurd question
D. tactical question

9. What is the best title for the passage?
A. why religious crises persist in Nigeria
B. causes of religious riots in Nigeria
C. effects of religious crises
D. origin of religious crises

10. From the passage, it is evident that ___.
A. the government has learned from the crises
B. the government has learned nothing from the crises
C. government is pained by religious crises
D. none of the above


Choose the word or group of words which best completes each of the following sentences in questions 6-20.

11. Tarr, ____ win the prize, has come to collect it.
A. who
B. that
C. whose
D. none of the above

12. Liberia, ___ is their home country, has a good plan for their children.

A. which
B. who
C. where
D. that

13. The child ____ we saw in the street is called Dele

A. which
B. who
C. whom
D. when

14. He gave me that____.

A. your book
B. book of yours
C. want of your needs
D. need of mine

15. The board, ___took the decision, is far.

A. who
B. what
C. that
D. whom

16. Everybody is at home but ____.
A. who
B. he
C. him
D. whom

17. The committee has been sitting since yesterday, _____will probably find the solution by tomorrow.
A. they
B. it
C. he
D. she

18. Those           have been recovered.
A. my books
B. books of mine
C. mine books
D. books for me

19. The students are protesting               the expulsion of their leaders.
A. for
B. against
C. to
D. on

20. Her manner is not compatible                 her religious program.

A. to
B. on
C. against
D. with

21. The chair ___ as he sat down.

A. squeaked
B. rattled
C. creaked
D. crashed

22. The brakes of the car ___.

A. roared
B. spilled
C. squealed
D. none of the above

23. Babies             down their chins when they are getting teeth.

A. squirt
B. drip
C. trickle
D. dribble

24. The church bells                   in celebration

A. pealed
B. tinkled
C. rattled
D. rumbled

25. All that we could hear was the gunet ____ of machinery

A. hum
B. rustic
C. slam
D. rattle

From the list lettered A-D, choose the word that is most nearly opposite in meaning to the words/group of words underlined and that will at the same time, correctly fill the gap in questions 26 — 35.

26. I met her mother recently.

A. long ago
B. not long ago
C. newly
D. currently

27. She rejected the offer of admission into the Nigerian Defence Academy

A. received
B. accepted
C. refused
D. turned down

28. I rue the day I met him

A. cherish
B. curse
C. forgot
D. remember

29. If the weather continues like this, farmers would expect a bumper harvest this year.

A. bumbling
B. rich
C. serious
D. lean

30. The decree has been abrogated.

A. revived
B. cancelled
C. killed
D. enacted

31. He has shown himself to be quite an amiable character.

A. aggressive
B. antagonistic
C. friendly
D. peaceful

32. There was an abundance of rainfall last year.

A. insufficient
B. death
C. shortfall
D. inappropriate

33. The school teacher carries himself with an air of indolence.

A. laziness
B. dexterity
C. ingenuity
D. difference

34. The ambassador was subjected to treatment throughout his incarceration.

A. prestigious
B. diplomatic
C. gigantic

35. The lady seemed quite aware of everything around.

A. watchful
B. oblivious
C. notified
D. blank 

From the alternatives A-D, choose the word nearest in meaning to the underlined word in questions 36-40.

36. The Journalist refused to divulge the source of his information.

A. confirm
B. inform
C. disclose
D. affirm

37. Asabe was sceptical about the story Ladidi told her.

A. ignorant
B. doubtful
C. confused
D. convinced

38. The lawyer remarked that the fact that the accused did nothing when the innocent boy was being lynched made him culpable.

A. liable
B. untrustworthy
C. guilty
D. blameworthy

39. Spain was once a very powerful nation but her influence has waned over the years.

A. disappeared
B. repealed
C. diminished
D. faded

40. The politician made a very scurrilous remark about his opponent.

A. mild
B. intolerance
C. false
D. sharp


1. B
2. A
3. A
4. C
5. A
6. A
7. B
8. B
9. A 
10. B
11. D
12. A
13. A
14. B
15. C
16. B
17. B
18. B
19. B
20. D
21. A
22. C
23. C
24. D
25. A
26. A
27. B
28. A
29. D
30. D 
31. A
32. C
33. B
34. A
35. B
36. C
37. B
38. D
39. C
40. D

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