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NDA 2015 Biology Past Questions

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NDA Past Questions on Biology 2015


1. Fruit enlargement can be induced by spraying young ovary with?
 A. cytokinin, abscisic acid and ethylene
 B. gibberellin, ethylene and abscisic acid
 C. auxin, abscisic acid and ethylene
 D. auxin, cytokinin and gibberellins

2. In bryophytes, sex organs are produced in the
 A. gametophyte
 B. rhizoid
 C. protonema
 D. sporophyte

3. One of the following contains the excreted crystals of calcium oxalate in plants
 A. Leaves
 B. Bark
 C. Lenticels
 D. Stomata

4. Syphilis is a venereal disease caused by:
 A. Treponema pallidum
 B. Neisseria gonorrhoea
 C. Haemophilus ducreyi
 D. Treponema pertenue

5. The spots and stripes of the Leopard and Tiger are examples of
 A. cryptic colouration
 B. warning colouration
 C. disruptive colouration
 D. countershading

6. The aspects of photosynthesis that does not require light is known as
 A. Chloroplasticity
 B. Biosynthesis
 C. Dark reaction
 D. Apsis

7. The oxygen that evolves during photosynthesis comes from
 A. Water
 B. Carbon dioxide
 C. Chlorophyll
 D. Sunlight

8. The rate of transpiration in plants can be measured using?
 A. Anemometer
 B. Potometer
 C. Photometer
 D. Barometer

9. The white blood cells are also known as
 A. Erythrocytes
 B. Leucocytes
 C. Platelets
 D. Plasma

10. Vitamin A is also known as
 A. Cobalamin
 B. Calciferol
 C. Tocopherol
 D. Retinol

11. The term used for long-sightedness is
 A. Hypermetropia
 B. Myopia
 C. Glaucoma
 D. Astigmatism

12. Who propounded the theory of mutation in organic evolution?
 A. Hugo de Vries
 B. Charles Darwin
 C. Jean Lamark
 D. Gregor Mendel

13. The digestive enzyme that coagulates protein in milk is;
 A. Pepsin
 B. Ptyalin
 C. Trypsin
 D. Renin

14. Prokaryotes are organisms with
 A. Simple cell structure
 B. Complex cell structure
 C. Cell membrane
 D. Nucleus

15. The thoracic cavity is separated from the abdominal region by a dome-shaped muscle called
 A. Pleural muscles
 B. Thoracic muscles
 C. Intercostal muscles
 D. Diaphragm

16. In human beings, a child's gender is primarily determined by the
 A. Father
 B. Mother
 C. Both parents
 D. None of the above

17. Which of the following statement is true of cotyledons in epigeal germination?
 A. They shrink and disappear
 B. They are carried above the soil
 C. They remain below the soil
 D. They absorb water and swell

18. Sugar cane is botanically known as?
 A. Sesamum indica
 B. Azadirachta indica
 C. Beta vulgaris
 D. Saccharum officinalis

19. Which of these instruments is used to demonstrate the response of roots and shoots to gravity?
 A. Klinostat
 B. Manometer
 C. Potometer
 D. Photometer

20. Which of the following is not a plant hormone?
 A. Gibberellic acid
 B. Carbonic acid
 C. Absissic acid
 D. Indole-acetic acid

21. Which of these can best be deployed in a biological warfare programme against enemy troops
 A. Acid rain
 B. Bullets
 C. Snakes
 D. Pathogenic microbes

22. The connection between two nerve cells across which impulses are transmitted is known as?
 A. Synapse
 B. Suture
 C. Spiracle
 D. Junction

23. Which of the following statements about a whale is true?
 A. A fish that lives in water
 B. A mammal that lives in water
 C. An amphibian that is always on water
 D. A fish that lives in the swamp

24. Which of these organisms behave as both a living and non-living thing?
 A. Virus
 B. Bacteria
 C. Fungi
 D. Nematodes

25. A non-parasitic plant that grows attached to another plant is known as?
 A. Saprophyte
 B. Epiphyte
 C. Commensal
 D. None of the above

26. An Amoeba and an unlaid chicken egg are?
 A. Animal tissues
 B. Organelles
 C. Single cells
 D. Organisms

27. The animal that moves by means of flagella includes?
 A. Leaves
 B. Stems
 C. Roots
 D. Euglena

28. When oil is poured into the breeding site of mosquitoes, it_____
 A. Deprives the larvae of water
 B. Kills the adult
 C. Suffocates the pupae
 D. Slow down egg development

29. In a field experiment, the frequency of waterleaf was observed to be 48 after 20 tones of a 2m2 quadrant. What is the density of the plant in the field?
 A. 1.2 per m2
 B. 2.4 per m2
 C. 4.8 per m2
 D. 9.6 per m2

30. The supporting tissues of xylem are most poorly developed in?
 A. Mangrove swamp plants
 B. grassland plants
 C. submerged water plants
 D. desert plants

31. In his theory of evolution, Darwin implied that?
 A. The struggle for existence among living organisms is sporadic
 B. the most successful organisms are those that best adapt to their environment
 C. organs of the body which are not regularly used by an organism will disappear
 D. any trait acquired by an organism during its lifetime can be passed on to its offspring

32. Animals aestivate when the environment in which they live become_____
 A. hot and dry
 B. cold and wet
 C. wane and humid
 D. windy and snowy

33. Which component of blood helps to keep body organs e.g. penis erect?
 A. Plasma
 B. Leucocytes
 C. Erythrocytes
 D. None of the above

34. If a plant produces spores, has no roots and vascular tissues, it is likely to be?
 A. An alga
 B. A fern
 C. A moss
 D. A gymnosperm

 35. During thunderstorms, the energy of lightning discharge causes?
 A. Oxygen and nitrogen to combine
 B. More carbon dioxide to be formed
 C. Nitrites to be converted to nitrates
 D. Nitrates to be converted to nitrogen

 36. Fruit enlargement can be induced by spraying young ovary with?
 A. cytokinin, abscisic acid and ethylene
 B. gibberellin, ethylene and abscisic acid
 C. auxin, abscisic acid and ethylene
 D. auxin, cytokinin and gibberellins

37. in bryophytes, sex organs are produced in the
 A. gametophyte
 B. rhizoid
 C. protonema
 D. sporophyte

38. One of the following is not a plant's metabolite'?
 A. tannin
 B. saponin
 C. glycoside
 D. methionine

39. One of the following is not an amino acid?
 A. glycine
 B. methionine
 C. phenylalanine
 D. phytate

 40. The energy currency of the body is called?
 A. Adenine
 B. Glycine
 C. Adenosinetriphosphate
 D. Glycoside


1. D
2. D
3. B
4. A
5. A
6. C
7. A
8. B
9. B
10. D
11. A
12. A
13. A
14. A
15. D
16. A
17. B
18. D
19. A
20. B
21. D
22. A
23. B
24. A
25. B
26. C
27. D
28. C
29. B
30. C
31. A
32. A
33. A
34. A
35. A
36. D
37. D
38. D
39. D
40. C

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