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NDA 2016 Biology Past Questions

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NDA Past Questions On Biology 2016 


1. _____ is a reasonable explanation for a particular observation or natural phenomenon.
A. Hypothesis
B. Theory
C. Law
D. Principle

2. All green plants manufacture their food through a process or mode of nutrition called
 A. Heterotrophic
 B. Autotrophic
 C. Photosynthesis
 D. Chemosynthesis

3. Another name for an autotrophic mode of nutrition is known as
 A. Respiration
 B. Reproduction
 C. Holophytic
 D. Heterotrophic

4. Which of these is not a class of vertebrates?
 A. Pisces
 B. Reptilia
 C. Snakes
 D. Mammalia

5. The main vein which returns blood from the brain to the heart in animals is called
 A. Portal vein
 B. Renal vein
 C. Jugular vein
 D. Pulmonary vein

6. The eye defect that occurs when the eyeball is short is called
 A. Myopia
 B. Astigmatism
 C. Hypermetropia
 D. Presbyopia

7. The type of enzyme that digests carbohydrates is called
 A. Protease
 B. Amylase
 C. Lipase
 D. Cellulose

8. Osmoregulation in Euglena occurs with the help of
 A. vacuole
 B. food vacuole
 C. contractile vacuole
 D. none of the above

9. A set in the movement of energy through an ecosystem is a description that best fits the term
 A. food chain
 B. trophic level
 C. pyramids of numbers
 D. food webs

10. Which of the following substances is not transported by the blood in a mammal?
 A. mineral salt
 B. hormones
 C. bile
 D. oxygen

11. Xerophthalmia is an inflammation of
 A. outer and inner ear
 B. Iris and cornea
 C. cornea and conjunctiva
 D. iris and corona

 12. To plants, the structure that performs a similar function with the testis in mammals is the
 A. stigma
 B. filament
 C. anther
 D. receptacle

13. The bacteria types that are arranged in chains are the
 A. Staphylococci
 B. Clostridia
 C. Streptococci
 D. Bacilli

14. The most abundant group of organisms in the animal kingdom is
 A. mammalia
 B. aves
 C. Annelida
 D. insect

15. ____ is the wearing away and removal of fertile topsoil from an area by the wind and water
 A. Migration
 B. Transgression
 C. Erosion
 D. Corrosion

16. An agricultural activity where a commercial farmer combines livestock rearing with crop production is called
 A. Crop rotation
 B. Pastoral farming
 C. Mixed farming
 D. Monoculture

17. Which of the following part of the tongue is sensitive to sugar
 A. tip
 B. right side
 C. left side
 D. under surface

18. In fishes, gaseous exchange occurs in
 A. gills
 B. fins
 C. eyes
 D. lateral lines

19. Toxic substances produced and released into the environment as a result of human activities that have damaging effects on living organisms is known as ______
 A. waste
 B. heavy metals
 C. population
 D. pollutants

20. The study of freshwater habitats and the ecosystem is called_____
 A. limnology
 B. immunology
 C. ecology
 D. biology

21. Which of the following mineral salt is a trace element?
 A. calcium
 B. zinc
 C. carbon
 D. potassium

22. Which of the enzyme is present in the saliva?
 A. lipase
 B. ptyalin
 C. renin
 D. pepsin

23. Sugar cane is botanically known as
 A. Sesamum indica
 B. Azadirachta indica
 C. Beta vulgaris
 D. Saccharum officinalis

24. represents the total weight or dry mass of the organism in each trophic level
 A. Pyramid of numbers
 B. Pyramid of biomass
 C. Pyramid of ecology
 D. Pyramid of energy

25. are plants that can survive in an environment such as the desert, where water supply is scarce
 A. Mesophytes
 B. Thermophytes
 C. Xerophytes
 D. Mesophytes

26. The gases that are commonly used as a coolant in refrigerators and air conditioners are known as
 A. Carbon dioxide
 B. Fluorocarbons
 C. Chlorofluorocarbons
 D. Oxygen

27. ______ is an invisible and extremely dangerous pollutant
 A. Sewage
 B. Refuse
 C. Radiation
 D. Pollution

28. The means of ensuring a high quality of life for humans by the wise use of the natural environment is known as
 A. Agriculture
 B. Irrigation
 C. Afforestation
 D. Conservation.

29. A constituent of the exhaust gases of motor vehicles which causes serious air pollution is
 A. Carbon dioxide
 B. Carbon monoxide
 C. Water vapour
 D. Oxygen

30. The site for synthesis, packaging and distribution of materials in a cell is known as
 A. Nucleus
 B. Ribosomes
 C. Golgi apparatus
 D. Lysosomes

31. A form of regeneration whereby a part of an organism breaks up and gives rise to a new individual is known as_____
 A. Budding.
 B. Spore formation
 C. Fission
 D. Fragmentation

32. The main types of materials found in the skeleton of animals include the following except
 A. Bone
 B. Marrow
 C. Chitin
 D. Cartilage

33. The main types of skeletons in animals include the following except
 A. Hydrostatic skeleton
 B. Hydroscopic
 C. Endoskeleton
 D. Exoskeleton

34. ______ holds the upper limits or arms to the axial skeleton
 A. Pectoral girdle
 B. Scapula
 C. Joint
 D. Hind limbs

35. Supporting tissues include the following except
 A. Turgical parenchyma
 B. Xylem
 C. Collenchyma
 D. Joint

36. One of the following symptoms in maize crop would make you suspect the soil of the deficiency of magnesium
 A. Yellow leaves and stems
 B. small stems and thin leaves
 C. dropping stem and orange-brown leaves
 D. White upper leaves and normal lower leaves

 37. The rate of transpiration in plants can be measured using______
 A. ananometer
 B. protometer
 C. photometer
 D. hydrometer

 38. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic feature of a wind-dispersed fruit?
 A. Light
 B. Flossy structure
 C. Buoyancy
 D. Winged apparatus

39. The solution used in the test for glucose is
 A. Benedict's solution
 B. Salt solution
 C. Sugar solution
 D. Fehling's solution

40. The dentition of a herbivore is distinct from that of other animals due to the presence of
 A. cusps on molar teeth
 B. canines
 C. diastema
 D. ridges on molar teeth

1.   A
2.   B
3.   C
4.   B
5.   D
6.   C
7.   B
8.   C
9.   A
10. C
11. C
12. C
13. A
14. A
15. C
16. C
17. A
18. A
19. D
20. A
21. B
22. B
23. D
24. B
25. C
26. C
27. C
28. A
29. B
30. C
31. D
32. B
33. B
34. A
35. D
36. A
37. D
38. C
39. A
40. C

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