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NDA 2017 Biology Past Questions

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NDA Past Questions On Biology 2017


1. The two important physical processes involved in the absorption and transportation of materials in plants are
 A. Diffusion and plasmolysis.
 B. Cohesion and diffusion
 C. Placidity and turgidity
 D. Osmosis and diffusion

2. The process by which plants manufacture food from carbon dioxide and water, using energy from the sun is termed.
 A. Chemosynthesis
 B. Photosynthesis
 C. Autotropism
 D. Heterotropism

3. Which of the following is an advantage of dispersal of fruits and seeds? It allows
 A. fair distribution of the source of food for animals.
 B. growth in close association with parent plant.
 C. even distribution of plants and reduction of intraspecific competition.
 D. keen competition for food.

4. Euglena may be classified as a plant because it
 A. has chloroplast
 B. has a gullet
 C. lives in a pond
 D. possesses a flagellum

5. The movement of a substance against a concentration gradient is known as
 A. Osmosis
 B. Diffusion
 C. Active transport
 D. Endosmosis

6. The rate of transpiration in plants can be measured using
 A. Anemometer
 B. Potometer
 D. Hydrometer
 C. Photometer

7. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic feature of a wind-dispersed fruit?
 A. Light
 B. Flossy structure
 C. Buoyancy
 D. Winged apparatus

8. Which of these plants is carnivorous?
 A. Mushroom
 B. Sundew
 C. Cassytha
 D. Nitrobacter

9. When spirogyra filament is placed in a concentrated salt solution for 30 minutes, the cell becomes
 A. plasmolysed
 B. turgid.
 C. shortened.
 D. elongated.

10. Water and salt are both lost from the human body in
 A. breathe and sweat.
 B. breathe and urine.
 C. breathe, urine and sweat.
 D. sweat and urine.

11. Which of the following features could be used to determine the growth of a seedling?
 A. Number of flowers.
 B. Number of leaves.
 C. Length of flower.
 D. Length of radical.

12. A farmer X working in a swamp did not eat any food nor drink any water. Which of these diseases can he NOT contact?
 A. Cholera.
 B Bilharzia.
 C. River blindness.
 D. Malaria.

13. The movement of molecules from a region of higher concentration to one of lower concentration is known as
 A. Diffusion.
 B. Transpiration.
 C. Osmosis.
 D. Translocation.

14. A Secchi disc is used in the determination of
 A. rainfall.
 B. tides.
 C. waves.
 D. turbidity.

15. The complex relationship between the members of a community and between the community as a whole and its physical environment is known as
 A. ecosystem.
 B. habitat.
 C. environment
 D. niche.

16. Pollination is best described as
 A. transfer of pollen from the anther to stigma.
 B. germination of pollen grains.
 C. growth of pollen tube in the ovule.
 D. visiting flowers by insects.

17. Plants receive their nutrients mainly from
 A. chlorophyll.
 B. atmosphere.
 C. light.
 D. soil.

18. Bacteria inhabiting legume root nodules which adds atmospheric nitrogen to the soil are referred to as_____
 A. denitrifying bacteria.
 B. nitrifying bacteria.
 C. nitrogen-fixing bacteria.
 D. nitrogen freeing bacteria.

19. Photosynthesis takes place faster in the presence of
 A. yellow light.
 B. white light.
 C. red light.
 D. darkness.

20. Plants that grow in saline water are called
 A. Halophytes.
 B. Hydrophytes.
 C. Mesophytes.
 D. Thallophytes.

21. ­­­____ involves the chemical activities of the cells in which glucose is broken by a series of reactions controlled by enzymes to release energy.
 A. Aerobic respiration
 B. Cellular respiration
 C. Glycolysis
 D. Anaerobic respiration

22. Which of the vertebrae provide attachment for abdominal muscles?
 A. Caudal vertebrae.
 B. Sacral vertebrae.
 C. Lumber vertebrae.
 D. All of the above.

23. The male and female reproductive systems are similar in the following ways except that both
 A. gonads act as ductless glands.
 B. produce gametes.
 C. have external openings.
 D. gonads do not act as ductless glands.

24. The first step towards the breakdown of glucose is called
 A. Oxidation
 B. Hydrogenation
 C. Phosphorylation
 D. Phospho-oxidation

25. Which of these types of skeleton is most appropriate for the cockroach?
 A. Hydrostatic skeleton.
 B. Exoskeleton
 C. Endoskeleton
 D. Cartilaginous skeleton

26. In which of the following tissues do the cells have the ability to divide?
 A. Meristem Sclerenchyma.
 B. Phloem Collenchyma

27. Which of the following substances is NOT an excretory product in mammals?
 A. Carbon dioxide
 B. Water
 C. Faeces
 D. Urea

28. An organism which maintains a constant temperature irrespective of environmental temperature fluctuation is
 A. an insect
 B. a mammal
 C. an amphibian
 D. a fish.

29. The central nervous system in humans is made up of
 A. brain, medulla oblongata and nerves.
 B. brain, spinal cord, and cranial nerves.
 C. brain and spinal nerves.
 D. brain and spinal cord.

 30. The four elements that form the 99% of the protoplasm are
 A. N, O, P, S
 B. C, H, N, O
 C. H, N, Ca, Cl
 D. C, O, Ca, S

31. The heartbeat occurs in ____ and ____ stages.
 A. diastolic and systolic
 B. diastolic and pulmonary artery
 C. systolic and pulmonary artery
 D. pulmonary artery and pulmonary vein

32. Which of the options below is not a compatible blood type?
 A. O can receive O+
 B. O can receive O+, O-
 C. AB- can receive AB-, B-, A-, O-
 D. B- can receive B-, O-

33. The series of a fertilized egg to adult is known as gradual changes of forms and shape of an insect from the
 A. metamorphosis.
 B. fertilization.
 C. reproduction.
 D. fusion.

34. The following are the main types of vertebrae in human being except
 A. Caudal vertebrae
 B. Sacral vertebrae
 C. Cervical vertebrae
 D. Joint vertebrae

35. When proteins are broken down, they also provide
 A. oxygen.
 B. carbohydrate.
 C. energy.
 D. Amino acids.

36. According to Mendel's first law of inheritance, segregation of genes occur when
 A. tall plants are crossbred.
 B. short plants are crossbred.
 C. tall plants and short plants are crossbred.
 D. plants are crossbred.

 37. A sugar solution was boiled with Fehling's solution A and B and the colour remained blue. The sugar tested was
 A. glucose.
 B. maltose.
 C. fructose.
 D. sucrose.

38. What is the Nucleic acid that carries the inherited traits?
 A. Deoxyribonucleic acid.
 B. Ribonucleic acid.
 C. Recombinant DNA acid.
 D. Recombinant RNA acid.

39. Number of chromosomes in Down's syndrome is
 A. 46
 B. 47
 C. 48
 D. 49.

40. Threadlike structures in a cell nucleus that carry the genetic information in the form of genes are referred to as
 A.  Chromosomes.
 B. DNA.
 C. Spermatogenesis.
 D. Spermatozoon.


1.   D
2.   B
3.   C
4.   A
5.   C
6.   B
7.   C
8.   B
9.   A
10. D
11. B
12. A
13. A
14. D
15. A
16. A
17. D
18. C
19. B
20. A
21. C
22. B
23. D
24. C
25. B
26. A
27. C
28. B
29. D
30. B
31. A
32. A
33. A
34. D
35. D
36. C
37. A
38. A
39. B
40. A

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