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Instruction: Study the map of IHIMA and answer Questions 1-5.
nda past questions on geography 2013

1. The line across the contour on the North-East margin of the map signifies ___.
A. Gentle slope
B. River
C. Escarpment
D. Pass

2. GANI is a settlement on ___.
A. river
B. ridge
C. plateau
D. escarpment

3. A, B. C are examples of ___.
A. lagoon
B. Delta
C. stacks
D. creeks

4. Letter 'Y on the map is located on ___.
A. gap
B. knoll
C. saddle
D. gorge

5. Letter M is on a ___.
A. plateau
B. conical hill
C. saddle
D. gorge

6. An aircraft takes off from Los Angeles (120°W) on a ten-hour direct flight to Sydney (150°E). if the takeoff time is 436 pm on Monday 21st June. what should be the arrival time in Sydney?
A. 7.00pm
B. 8.00pm
C. 7.36pm
D. 8.36pm

7. Al the equator. the earth's circumference is about ___.
A. 60,000 km
B. 45, 000 km
C. 40,000 km
D. none of the above

8. Which of the following factors helps to account for the dryness of the Sahara Desert?
A. The height of the jet stream over the areas
B. Persistence of a high-pressure belt over the area
C. The complete absence of vegetation over much of the area
D. Impact of oil production by the countries of that region

9. Which of the following landforms result from wind deposition?
A. Playa
B. Bajada
C. Barchan
D. Fan

10. The main characteristic of a river entering the sea is ___.
A. evaporation and disappearance
B. deep and straight hank
C. sluggishness and deposition
D. erosion and sluggishness

11. The level at which rock is saturated is called ___.
A. corrosion level
B. conduction level 
C. hydraulic level 
D. melting level

12. Loops are formed by ___.
A. cavitation
B. water table
C. meandering
D. Attrition

13.  The Pampas of South America and the prairies of North America are mainly known for the production of ___.
A. Rice
B. Wheat
C. Corn
D. Oats

14. The ores that in nature occur together with copper are ___.
A. Lead and Zinc
B. Aluminium and Tin
C. Gold and Platinum
D. Hintallo Limestone

15. Which of the following types of coal has much higher thermal value?
A. Lignite
B. Anthracite
C. Bituminous
D. Peat

16. Long fallow periods is an indication of ___.
A.    scarcity of land
B. scarcity of population
C. intensity of agriculture
D. density of population

17. A conurbation is ___.
A. a city which extends over a million hectares of land and is characterized by skyscrapers
B. a large city with over one million people
C. the merging of more than one large. settlement to form a continuously built-up area with each retaining its identity
D.   the concentration of settlements along both sides of a road

18. Which of the following is not a problem of urbanization in West Africa?
A. Development of slums
B. increase in prostitution 
C. establishment of industries
D. poor waste management

19. The practice of cultivating crops and rearing animals on the same farm is known as ___.
A. mixed cropping
1. mixed farming
C. shifting cultivation
D. transhumance

20. Which of the following is the most important factor limiting the volume of trade among West African countries'?
A. The emergence of trade block
B. Production of similar commodities 
C. Size of market
D Too many political boundaries

21. Chalk is a good example of ___.
A. Extrusive rock
B. igneous rock
C. Metamorphic rock
D. Organically formed rock

22. Loss of lives and properties caused by earthquakes can be reduced through
A. channelization
B. construction of embankments
C. emergency planning
D. government legislation

23. Which of the following is NOT a resource of the atmosphere?
A. Biomass energy
B. Solar Energy
C. Wind energy
D. Bacteria energy

24. Which of the following zones of the atmosphere does change in weather
conditions take place'?
A. Stratosphere
I. Ionosphere
C. Homo-sphere
D. Troposphere

25. Which of the following are the correct stages of denudation?
A. Deposition — weathering — erosion — transportation
B. Weathering — erosion — transportation — deposition
C. Erosion — weathering — deposition — transportation
D. Weathering — Deposition — Transportation — Erosion

26. Which of the following planets has the shortest orbit around the Sun?
A. Mercury.
B. Mars
C. Venus
D. Pluto

27. Part of the earth's surface consisting of similar physical elements and characteristics
is described as ___.
A. continent
B. country
C. natural regions
D. none of the above

28. Changes in seasons is a result of ___.
A. rotation of the moon only
B. inclination of the earth only
C. inclination of the rotation of the earth
D. revolution and inclination of the earth

29. Tides are caused by the gravitational pull of ___.
A. the Mars and the Sun
B. Stars and the Ocean
C. the Moon and the Sun
D. the Stars and the Moon

30. Which of the following is not associated with volcanicity? 
A. Canyon
B. Batholiths
C. Sill
D. Laccoliths

31. The prevalent type of rock in a karsts landscape is ___.
A. conglomerates
B. basalt
C. limestone
D. granite

32. The apparent movement of the Sun occurs between the ___.
A. Equator and North Pole
B. The North Pole and the South Pole
C. Tropic of Cancer and Tropic of Capricorn
D. Arctic Circle and Antarctic Circle

33. Annual range of temperature is largest in the ___.
A. Tropical zone
B. Equatorial region
C. Temperate zone
D. Tropical hot desert

34. 'Polarization' of the national economy means ___.
A. decentralization of development
B. development of new regional centres
C. integration of the national economy
D. centralization of the national economy

35. The level of output in mining may be determined by ___.
A. the input of labour
B. the input of capital
C. nature or the ore deposit
D. all of the above

36. GONDWANALAND is associated with ___.
A. palaeozoic
B. Cenozoic
C. Mesozoic
D. none of the above

37. The map that concentrates on the spatial variation of the form of a single attribute is known as ___.
A. General purpose map
B. Spatial map
C. Thematic map
D. Charis

38. Unwanted variation introduced into data during measurement or display is called
A. Noise
B. Parallax
C. Pixel
D. None of the above

39. The greater part of the Earth's crust is. made up of two types of materials, namely
A. Basalt and Sima
B. Gabbro and Basalt
C. Magma and Sima
D. Sial and Sirna

40. One of the following is not associated with a glaciated highland
A. Ante
B. Crag and tail
C. Corrie
D. Pyramidal peak


1. C
2. C
3. A
4. C
5. B
6. D
7. C
8. C
9. C
10. C
11. C
12. C
13. C
14. B
15. C
16. B
17. C
18. C
19. B
20. B
21. D
22. C
23. D
24. D
25. B
26. A
27. C
28. D
29. C
30. A
31. C
32. B
33. D
34. B
35. C
36. A
37. C
38. A
39. C
40. C

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