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UNIMAID School Fees 2023/2024 Academic Session

UNIMAID School Fees 2023/2024 Academic Session has been released by the UNIMAID Management | University of Maiduguri School Fees
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UNIMAID School Fees Schedule: The University of Maiduguri School Fees for new and returning students for the 2023/2024 academic session have been announced.  Prospective students should read this article to learn about UNIMAID school fees.

UNIMAID School Fees Schedule

The University of Maiduguri has released the updated school fee schedule for all new and returning students for the 2023/2024 academic year. Please see this article for UNIMAID school fees for all departments.

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The UNIMAID school fee payment portal is This article provides a detailed breakdown of the University of Maiduguri fees for students in the various departments.

Please keep in mind that this is the total fee for each student and that this information is usually updated on a regular basis by the school. This article will be updated with changes to UNIMAID fees for the first and second semesters.

UNIMAID School Fees 2023/2024

The current school fees at the University of Maiduguri are ₦33,000 for new students and ₦18,000 for returning students. For new students, you are required to check the departmental fees on the school's official website. Payment would be made through the online portal as well.

Check Out the UNIMAID School Fees Schedule below:

Please keep in mind that the fees for UNIMAID Part-time, Postgraduates, Direct Entry, and Freshers differ. When you visit, you will see a breakdown of the fees on the portal and specifically for your course.

Essentially, UNIMAID School Fees are the same for all courses, including Medicine and Surgery, Pharmacy, Computer Science, Mass Communication, Law, and the rest courses.
More information is available at

We have updated the University of Maiduguri School Fees Schedule for all newly admitted and returning students. All students are required to use the UNIMAID payment portal to pay their acceptance fees, school fees, and other required activities.

The University of Maiduguri has stated that late payments will result in penalties in the form of additional charges.

UNIMAID School Fees for Returning Students 2023

According to the University of Maiduguri, school fees for this session have to be paid before the deadline. Students should make every effort to pay their fees before the portal closes.

UNIMAID has announced the deadline for students to pay their school fees. To avoid problems, new and returning students should pay their fees as soon as possible.

The UNIMAID School Fees for Science Related Courses and Direct Entry Students have also been revised. Please check the current fee schedule at

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