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Brainfill Polytechnic Admission Form 2023/2024: How to Apply, Eligibility and Deadline

Brainfill Polytechnic admission form for National Diploma (ND) programmes for the 2023/2024 academic session is out. See how to apply below
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Brainfill Polytechnic Admission Form: Brainfill Polytechnic, a leading academic institution located in Ikpot Ekpene, Akwa Ibom State, is thrilled to announce the commencement of the sale of Post-UTME Screening forms for the upcoming 2023/2024 academic session. Prospective candidates who achieved a score of 100 and above in the 2023 UTME Examination are cordially invited to apply, as this marks the next significant step in their educational journey.

Brainfill Polytechnic Admission Form

The Academic Journey Ahead at Brainfill Polytechnic

Brainfill Polytechnic is renowned for its commitment to providing students with a diverse range of programs across various fields. These programs are meticulously designed to equip students with the necessary knowledge, skills, and experience to excel in their chosen career paths. Let's take a closer look at the faculties and courses offered at Brainfill Polytechnic:

Business Administration & Management Science

The Business Administration & Management Science faculty at Brainfill Polytechnic offers an all-encompassing course that prepares students for prosperous careers in the business and management sectors. By acquiring a strong foundation in business principles and management practices, students gain a competitive edge in the professional world.

Science and Technology

The Science and Technology faculty provides a specialized course in Computer Science, which equips students with essential computational and problem-solving skills demanded in the rapidly evolving tech industry. This program ensures that graduates are well-prepared to tackle the challenges of the digital age.

Engineering and Technology

The Engineering and Technology faculty offers two distinct courses:

  1. Electrical/Electronic Engineering Technology
  2. Computer Engineering Technology

These programs are designed to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of their respective fields. By combining practical skills with theoretical knowledge, Brainfill Polytechnic ensures that graduates are ready to make valuable contributions to the industry.

Available Faculties in Brainfill Polytechnic 


Brainfill Polytechnic Admission Requirements 

Prospective students interested in applying for admission to Brainfill Polytechnic must meet the following eligibility requirements:

  1. Attain a score of 100 and above in the 2023 UTME Examination.
  2. Select Brainfill Polytechnic as the first choice in JAMB.
  3. Possess a minimum of five (5) credit passes at SSCE, NECO, or NABTEB, obtained in no more than two sittings. These credits must include English Language, Mathematics, and other subjects relevant to the candidate's chosen course of study at Brainfill Polytechnic.
  4. UTME is a mandatory requirement for admission.

How to Apply for Brainfill Polytechnic Admission Exercise

The application process for Brainfill Polytechnic is straightforward. Interested candidates can easily obtain the Admission/Screening form by visiting Brainfill Polytechnic's dedicated Admission Page. For those who prefer personal interaction, the Polytechnic welcomes in-person enquiries at its premises, where further information can be obtained.

Click HERE to Apply 

For Enquiry Contact:

Should you require any additional assistance, please do not hesitate to reach out via the following contact numbers: 

Embark on a transformative journey of discovery and development at Brainfill Polytechnic, where we offer a dynamic learning environment that nurtures and supports students' career aspirations. The future you envision begins today. Don't miss out on this opportunity; apply now!

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