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College of Legal Studies Yola (CLSYOLA) 2nd Batch Admission List for 2023/2024 | 1st & 2nd Batch

The of Legal Studies, Yola (CLSYOLA) Diploma Programmes admission list for the 2023/2024 academic session is out. See full details on how to check
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College of Legal Studies Yola (CLSYOLA) Admission List: This is to inform the general public and all the candidates that applied for admission into the College of Legal Studies, Yola (CLSYOLA) various diploma programmes during the 2023/2024 academic session that they can now check their admission status.

College of Legal Studies Yola (CLSYOLA) Admission List

How to Check the College of Legal Studies Yola (CLSYOLA) Admission List 

The following applicants have been offered provisional Admission in various programmes of the college to study for two years Diploma in Common law, Sharia and civil law, Islamic studies Education, Arabic Education, Computer Science, Consultancy services, Criminology and security studies, public administration and advanced Diploma in law for the year 2023/2024 Academic session.

The successful candidates are to report to the college on 5th January 2024 to the Admission office for their admission letters.

Registration commences on 5th January 2024 and ends on 5th February 2024. Late registration attracts a surcharge of five thousand Naira (₦5,000) only.

College of Legal Studies Yola (CLSYOLA) Admission List – 1st Batch

Name: College of Legal Studies Yola (CLSYOLA) Admission List – 2nd Batch.pdf Size: 2.65 Mb

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