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Maurid Polytechnic Admission List for 2023/2024 Session | ND, HND & Degree Programmes

Maurid Polytechnic Admission List for 2023/2024 Academic Session | ND, HND & Degree Programmes has been released. See how to check below
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Maurid Polytechnic Admission List: The names of candidates admitted into the Maurid Polytechnic, Mbiaso, Akwa Ibom State, various National Diploma (ND), Higher National Diploma (HND), and Degree programmes for the 2023/2024 academic session have been released. See how to check Maurid Polytechnic Admission List below.

Maurid Polytechnic Admission List

The management of the Maurid Polytechnic, Mbiaso, Akwa Ibom State, has released the list of candidates offered provisional admission into its ND, HND and Degree programmes for the 2023/2024 academic session.

Maurid Poly ND, HND and Degree admission lists have been successfully uploaded online.

How to Check Maurid Polytechnic Admission List

Note that all admitted candidates are to report to the institution from (2nd October January to 27th October 2024) for their original admission letter. Lecture commences on the 8th of January 2024.

You must produce at the time of registration provide the following documents, failure of which your admission will be forfeited:

Pay the sum of TWENTY-FIVE THOUSAND NAIRA (₦25,000) ONLY for ACCEPTANCE FEE at the Bursary Unit before collection of the Original Admission Letter.

  • Provide two(2) recent Passport photographs.
  • Provide O’level result (WAEC/NECO/NABTEB or equivalent).
  • Provide your recent JAMB result slip.

The Maurid Polytechnic school fees for first Semester is SIXTY THOUSAND, TWO HUNDRED NAIRA (₦60,200) ONLY and FIFTY THOUSAND NAIRA (₦50,000) ONLY for subsequent Semesters.

Hostel accommodation is available, and it’s compulsory for all new students with the accommodation fee set at ₦30,000 per session.

DIRECTION TO THE CAMPUS: From your location, arrive at ITAM PARK IN UYO, AKWA IBOM STATE CAPITAL, board a bus going to Afaha Nsit alight at the last bus stop, then take a Bike (Okada) to the Campus in Mbiaso.

Congratulations to all the candidates who made it to the Maurid Polytechnic Admission List for the 2023/2024 Academic Session.

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