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NABTEB releases May/June 2022 examination results

National Business and Technical Examinations Board (NABTEB) Result for May/June Examination 2022 has been released
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This is to inform all the candidates that participated in the National Business and Technical Examinations Board (NABTEB) 2022 May/June National Business Certificates (NBC) and the National Technical Certificate (NTC) examinations that their results have been released.

NABTEB releases May/June 2022 examination results

According to the registrar/chief executive, who was represented by NABTEB’s Director, Examinations Administration, Obinna Opara, 84,147 candidates registered for the examinations, but 83,504 of them sat for them in 1,696 centres across Nigeria and Cote d’Ivoire.

58,659 of the 84,147 candidates scored five credits and above, including Mathematics and English Language, representing 69.60 percent.

It was also disclosed that 75,221 candidates obtained five credits and above, with or without English Language and Mathematics, representing 89.39 percent.

NABTEB May/June examination results have been successfully uploaded online.

Participants should follow the steps outlined below to access their results.

How to Check NABTEB Results

Check NABTEB Results Online:

  1. Go to
  2. Enter your Candidate Identification Number e.g. 38002298
  3. Select the Type of Examination
  4. Enter the 4 digits of your Examination Year e.g. 2021
  5. Enter the Card Serial Number found on the reverse side of your Scratch card. The Card Serial Number has an alphabet prefix followed by digits e.g. N123456789
  6. Enter the 12-digit Personal Identification Number (PIN) on your Scratch card eg. 012345678912
  7. Click Submit and wait for the results window to come up

Get NABTEB Result by Email:

  1. Follow steps 1-5 above.
  2. Click on the ‘Send Results to E-mail’ box
  3. Enter a valid e-mail address e.g. [email protected]
  4. Click Submit and wait for the results window to come up

Check NABTEB Result Via SMS:

Send an SMS in the format below:

  • NABTEB*ExamNo*PIN*ExamType*ExamYear To short-code 32327
  • For example: To check for May/June results,
  • NABTEB*01001001*123456789012*MJ*2020
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