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Veritas University Abuja JUPEB Programme Admission Form 2024/2025

The Veritas University, Abuja, has commenced the sale of application forms for admission into its JUPEB programme for the 2024/2025 academic session
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Veritas University Abuja JUPEB Programme Admission Form: Applications from suitably qualified candidates are invited for admission to the Veritas University, Abuja, Joint Universities Preliminary Examinations Board (JUPEB) programme for the 2024/2025 academic session.

Veritas University Abuja JUPEB Programme Admission Form

Veritas University JUPEB Admission Requirements

Applicants must pass five credit-level subjects (including Mathematics and English) in no more than two sittings of the SSCE/GCE organised by WAEC, NECO, or NABTEB, including the major subjects of study. Candidates who are awaiting the release of their O' level results CAN APPLY BY SELECTING THE "Awaiting Result" status.

How to Apply for Veritas University JUPEB Admission Form

Download the Application form from the website if you meet the admission requirements. Applicants should scan their completed forms, along with their credentials; UTME result slip (if any), GCE/WAEC, NECO/NABTEB result, birth certificate, and passport photograph, and email them to [email protected] or submit them in person at the JUPEB office, which is located on the first floor of Veritas University Abuja.


Fill out the Jupeb application form and email scanned copies of the form and your credentials to [email protected].

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, PLEASE CONTACT Adaeze on 08142517420 or Lucy on 08062302809.

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