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DELSU Medical Screening Procedure for 2023/2024

The steps for medical screening for the new students of Delta State University (DELSU) for the 2023/2024 academic session have been published
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DELSU Medical Screening Procedure: This is to inform all candidates admitted to Delta State University (DELSU) undergraduate programmes during the 2023/2024 academic session that the institution's management has released the steps for new student medical screening.

DELSU Medical Screening Procedure

DESLU Medical Screening Procedure

Students are expected to follow the procedures outlined by the school administration in order to conduct the medical screening:

  1. Pay the ₦5,000 medical fee into the 'DELSU Medical' Account at any of the following banks: Ecobank, UBA, Fidelity, Unity, or Zenith.
    • 48 hours after payment, visit the University Health Centre website at to verify payment.
    • On the homepage, click Register with Health Centre. Enter your surname and verify your information.
    • Fill out the registration form and create a student profile.
    • Continue by filling out the personal information form and the medical screening forms, and uploading your passport in the field form.

  2. Proceed to the University health centre to finish your medical screening.
  3. Students should bring the following documents: two passport photos, Original payment teller copy, and Admission Printout. 
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