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Federal University Birnin Kebbi (FUBK) Cut-Off Mark for 2023/2024 Session

The cut-off mark for admission into the Federal University, Birnin-Kebbi (FUBK) for the 2023/2024 academic session has been released
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Federal University Birnin Kebbi (FUBK) Cut-Off Mark - If you scored exactly or above the FUBK cut-off mark, you are qualified and eligible to take the Post UTME screening exercise; if you scored below the cut-off, you are not qualified or eligible for the FUBK post-UTME.

Federal University Birnin Kebbi (FUBK) Cut-Off Mark

Federal University, Birnin-Kebbi (FUBK) is a federally funded post-secondary educational institution in Birnin Kebbi, Kebbi State. It was established in 2013.

Federal University Birnin Kebbi (FUBK) Cut-Off Marks

The Federal University, Birnin-Kebbi (FUBK) administration has announced the cut-off mark for the 2023/2024 academic session admission exercise.

Only candidates who selected the University as their first choice and scored 140 points and above are eligible to participate in the exercise.

Only candidates with a minimum score of 140 are eligible to apply for the following degree programmes:

  1. Accounting
  2. Anatomy
  3. Applied Geophysics
  4. Architecture
  5. Biochemistry
  6. Biology
  7. Building Technology
  8. Business Administration
  9. Chemistry
  10. Computer Science
  11. Demography And Social Statistics
  12. Economics
  13. English Language
  14. Geography
  15. Geology
  16. History And International Studies
  17. Industrial Chemistry
  18. Mathematics
  19. Medicine And Surgery
  20. Microbiology
  21. Nursing/Nursing Science
  22. Physics With Electronics
  23. Physiology
  24. Political Science
  25. Quantity Surveying
  26. Sociology
  27. Statistics

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