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KASU Diploma and Certificate Admission Form 2023/2024

Kaduna State University (KASU) is now selling application forms for admission into its Diploma and Certificate programmes for the 2023/2024 session
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KASU Diploma and Certificate Admission Form: Appropriately qualified candidates are invited to apply for admission to the Kaduna State University (KASU) Diploma and Certificate Programmes admission form for the 2023/2024 academic session.

KASU Diploma and Certificate Admission Form

KASU Diploma and Certificate Courses


  1. Physics Education
  2. Chemistry Education
  3. Mathematics Education
  4. Computer Science Education
  5. Integrated Science Education
  6. Biology Education
  7. Geography Education
  8. Agricultural Education
  9. English Education
  10. History Education
  11. Arabic Education
  12. French Education
  13. Hausa Education
  14. Islamic Studies Education
  15. Christian Religious Studies Education
  16. Political Science Education
  17. Mass Communication Education
  18. Business Education
  19. Economics Education
  20. Library and Information Science Education
  21. Guidance and Counselling Education


1. Principles and Techniques of International Language Translations in:

  • French to English and Vice-versa
  • Arabic to English and Vice-versa
  • Hausa to English and Vice-versa

2. Certificate in Arabic and French Languages

3. Principles and Practice of:

  • Islamic Religious Preaching
  • Christian Religion Preaching

KASU Diploma and Certificate Programmes Admission Requirements

Prospective candidates must have a minimum of five (5) relevant credit passes in the Senior Secondary School Certificate Examination (SSCE) administered by the West African Examination Council (WAEC), the National Examination Council (NECO), the National Business and Technical Board (NABTEB), or the National Board for Arabic and Islamic Studies (NBAIS) in no more than two (2) sittings, including a pass in English and Mathematics.

KASU Diploma & Certificate Programmes Duration

Candidates with O'Level results will spend two (2) years on the Diploma programme, while those with B.Sc./HND and ND will spend one (1) year. Similarly, those who complete four (4) out of six (6) Executive Courses qualify for the Postgraduate Diploma.

The certificate programme, on the other hand, will last three (3) months, whereas the executive courses and e-government programmes will last one (1) week.

How to Apply for KASU Diploma & Certificate Programmes Admission Exercise 

Interested candidates must pay a processing fee of ₦10,000.00 (all charges included) on the University's website at


Visit the website using a computer or a mobile device.

  1. Click 'Register Now,' then choose 'Diploma' or 'Certificate' from the drop-down menu.
  2. To create an account, fill in the required fields.
  3. Login to your email to obtain login information.
  4. Login again to with the same information and proceed with your application, then wait 15 minutes.
  5. To generate your payment details, click the 'Proceed with Payment' link.
  6. At the top of the page, select 'Pay via Interswitch.'
  7. Continue with the payment
  8. After making a successful payment, log out of your account and log back in after 10 minutes to complete your registration.

The deadline for submitting all applications is Monday, November 21, 2023.

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1 comment

  1. Nice one
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