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KASU Post UTME / DE Screening Form for 2024/2025 Session

The management of the Kaduna State University (KASU) has commenced the sale of post-UTME and Direct Entry screening forms for the 2024/2025 session
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KASU Post UTME / DE Screening FormThis is to inform all UTME candidates who applied for admission into Kaduna State University (KASU) for the 2024/2025 academic session that the sale of the Post-UTME screening form has begun. The registration exercise will commence on 5th August, and ends on Monday, 26th August, 2024. Also, Check Out the List of Undergraduate Courses Offered in KASU

KASU Post UTME / DE Screening Form

Eligibility for KASU Post-UTME Exercise

  1. Prospective candidates must have a minimum of five (5) relevant Credit passes in the Senior Secondary School Certificate Examination (SSCE) administered by recognised Examination Bodies in no more than two (2) sittings, including a pass in English and Mathematics.
  2. Prospective candidates must have taken the UTME Exams, selected KASU as their first choice, and scored an aggregate of 170 and above in the relevant subjects.
    • Arts – 170
    • Agriculture – 180
    • Education – 170
    • Environmental Sciences – 180
    • Management -170
    • Sciences – 180 excluding Biochemistry, Computer Science and Microbiology
    • Social Science – 170 excluding Mass communication 

  3. Eligible candidates must upload their O’ Level Results on the KASU website before consideration for admission.
  4. Direct Entry (DE) candidates shall in addition to the minimum Five (5) O’ level relevant credits (including English and Mathematics) in relevant programmes applied, shall also obtain the minimum ‘A’ Level points for the programme.

How to Apply for KASU Post UTME Exercise

  1. Visit from your computer OR Any Mobile Device OR simply use KASU Android Application (available on Google Playstore).
  2. Click on the Login Button (Green Button).
    • Username is your Jamb Number (For Example, 12345678BR).
    • Password is your Jamb Number, excluding the First and Last Character (For Example, 1245678D).
  3. Click on the link “Proceed with Payment” to generate your payment details
    • Click “Pay Via Interswitch,” i.e. green at the top of the page.
    • Proceed with payment. 
  4. After Successful Payment, Logout of your account & wait for like 10 minutes, then log back in and continue your registration.

Candidates will be required to pay ₦2,000.00 (Two thousand naira only).


Please take note of the following important information:

  1. The date, time, and location of the post UTME examination will be sent to the email address you provided during the application process within 24 hours of successfully completing your registration.
  2. You must arrive at the examination venue at least one hour before the examination is scheduled to begin.
  3. Remember to bring the printed application documents (Application slip and Post UTME notification slip), your JAMB registration slip, and any other valid form of identification (such as your NIN card, voter's card, driver's license, or international passport).
  4. Please be aware that no electronic devices, including calculators, will be allowed inside the examination premises.
  5. Any unnecessary complaints regarding failure to attend the examination as scheduled will not be entertained.

Application Deadline: Monday, 26th August, 2024.

For any enquiry or complaint, please send a mail to: [email protected] and [email protected]

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