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FCC Ibadan Admission List 2023/2024 | ND & HND

The management of the Federal Cooperative College (FCC), Ibadan, has released the Admission List for the 2023/2024 academic session
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FCC Ibadan Admission List: This is to inform all candidates seeking admission into the Federal Cooperative College (FCC), Ibadan's ND and HND part-time/full-time programmes that the institution's management has released the names of successful applicants.

FCC Ibadan Admission List

How to Check FCC Ibadan Admission List

Follow the link below to access the Federal Cooperative College (FCC), Ibadan 2023/2024 admission list:


Successfully admitted candidates should print their admission letters using the steps outlined below:

  1. Access the college's website at
  3. In the spaces provided, enter your PIN (the bold number behind your application scratch card) and PASSWORD (the password you provided while filling out your form) and click on login. After successfully logging in, click on CHECK ADMISSION STATUS.
  4. If you have been offered admission, click PRINT ADMISSION LETTER (only print in coloured).

You will also be asked to submit letters of guarantee from two guarantors, who must be senior civil servants of at least director cadre, heads of institutions, high chiefs, or clergymen with clear contact addresses and phone numbers. Due to the limited number of available hostel spaces, only students who have completed their registration will be permitted to apply for space.

Check Out: FCC Ibadan Acceptance Fee Payment Procedure and Admission Letter and FCC Ibadan School Fees Schedule

For further info call: 08058315071
Admission Officer: 08038319232
REGISTRAR: 08035061039

Congratulations to all the candidates that made it to the Federal Cooperative College (FCC), Ibadan's ND and HND part-time/full-time Admission List.

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