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FUDutsin-ma Post-UTME Screening Form 2024/2025: How to Apply, Eligibility and Deadline

FUDMA Post-UTME Screening Form 2024/2025 is out! Apply now and secure your admission at the Federal University Dutsin-Ma. Hurry, limited slots!
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FUDMA Post UTME Screening Form - The Federal University Dutsin-Ma (FUDMA) is inviting ambitious candidates to apply for undergraduate programs in the upcoming 2024/2025 academic session. With a diverse range of courses and faculties to choose from, FUDMA offers an exciting academic environment for every aspiring student.

FUDMA Post UTME Screening Form

Eligibility Criteria for Federal University Dutsin-Ma Post UTME Candidates

To secure a place in the esteemed Federal University Dutsin-Ma, candidates must meet certain requirements. For the 2024 Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME) applicants, a minimum score of 140 is necessary. However, specific programs and faculties may require a higher score.

Required UTME Scores for Selected Programs

A) Minimum Score of 150:

Candidates interested in pursuing any of the following disciplines must achieve a minimum UTME score of 150:

  1. Accounting
  2. Economics and Development Studies
  3. Political Science
  4. Sociology
  5. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
  6. Microbiology
  7. Library and Information Science

B) Minimum Score of 160:

For aspiring students aiming to join the faculties of Health Sciences or Engineering, a minimum UTME score of 160 is required.

Check Out the detailed FUDMA Cut Off Marks Here

How to Apply for FUDMA Post UTME Form

If you are an eligible candidate looking to secure your future at the Federal University Dutsin-Ma, the registration process is simple. Begin by visiting the University's portal at After registering for the screening process, you will be required to pay a sum of two thousand Naira (₦2,000.00) for the Post-UTME screening.

Please note that the university will conduct an online preliminary screening exercise using the screening form. Hence, there will not be an admission examination during the application process. Follow the steps below to complete the application:

  1. Visit
  2. Read the instructions carefully.
  3. Ensure accurate input of your personal and academic data in the appropriate columns.
  4. Provide a correct and active email address in your personal data column.
  5. Click on 'Save' to submit your data for further processing.
  6. Proceed to the payment column to process the payment charges.
  7. After making the payment, print the payment confirmation slip.

The registration process will be open from Tuesday, July 22nd, 2024, and will conclude on Tuesday, August 13th, 2024, by 12 midnight.

Important Information

Please take note of the date and time for your screening, which will be indicated on the acknowledgement slip. The Post UTME Computer-Based Test (CBT) will be conducted, followed by a physical screening for successful candidates.

Application Deadline: Tuesday, August 13th, 2024, by 12 midnight.

Seize this unique opportunity to be part of the exceptional academic environment at the Federal University Dutsin-Ma. Start your journey to academic success by meeting the specified requirements and securing your Post UTME form today.

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