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SSU Registration Guidelines for 2023/2024 Fresh Students

The registration guidelines for the 2023/2024 academic session newly admitted students of the Sokoto State University (SSU) has been released
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SSU Registration Guidelines for 2023/2024 Fresh Students: The management of Sokoto State University (SSU) has released the registration guidelines for the fresh students of the institution for the 2023/2024 academic session.

SSU Registration Guidelines for 2022/2023 Fresh Students

Sokoto State University Registration Guidelines

This is to inform all newly admitted students for the 2023 admission that registration for the 2023/2024 academic session will begin on Monday, December 12th, 2023, and will continue until Saturday, January 21st, 2024, at The 360-seater Capacity Multipurpose Hall, University Campus Along Birnin Kebbi Road, Sokoto. 

Admitted Candidates must therefore appear in person at the venue and bring both originals and photocopies of the following documents:

  1. Original copy of jamb admission letter.
  2. Original copy of jamb result slip.
  3. Acknowledgement of online screening slip.
  4. Six (6) recent passport-size photographs.
  5. All credentials (including a letter of origin from the local government and a birth certificate/declaration of age).

NOTE: Candidates must present their original Post UTME and SSCE Certificate(s); if due for issuance, and where the original certificate has not yet been issued by the examination bodies, a statement of result from the schools is acceptable. E-copy results should be submitted with the result checker scratch card for online verification.

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