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NILEST Post UTME Screening Exercise 2023/2024

The list, schedule and requirements for the Nigerian Institute of Leather and Science Technology (NILEST) 2023/2024 post-UTME screening exercise.
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NILEST Post UTME Screening Exercise: Candidates who applied for admission into the various National Diploma (ND) programmes of the Nigerian Institute of Leather and Science Technology (NILEST), Zaria, through the JAMB UTME are hereby notified that the Institute has begun its First admission exercise for the 2023/2024 Academic Session through the Institute's JAMB Central Admission Processing System (CAPS) Portal. Qualified candidates' names are also posted on the school's noticeboard.

NILEST Post UTME Screening Exercise

Eligible candidates must upload their O’level results on JAMB CAPS at an approved JAMB CBT centre and present themselves for Post UTME Screening before consideration for admission into the Institute Programmes. 

Details of the Post UTME Screening Exercise are as follows:

Date: Monday 23rd January to Monday 6th February, 2024

Venue: Academic Division (Registration Office)

Time: 8:00 am – 4:00 pm daily

Eligible candidates are expected to come with the following:

  1. Academic Documents
  2. One passport photograph.
  3. Two thousand Naira (₦2,000) only Screening fee

All eligible candidates must note further that the Institute has limited admission-carrying capacities for the various programmes. Therefore, selection will be based on First-come, First-serve.

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