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PLAPOLY Acceptance Fee Payment, Registration Procedure 2023/2024

Plateau State Polytechnic, PLAPOLY acceptance fee payment and registration procedure for the 2023/2024 academic session newly admitted candidates
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Plateau State Poly, PLAPOLY Acceptance Fee Payment Procedure and Registration: This is to inform all candidates who have been offered provisional admission to the Plateau State Polytechnic (PLAPOLY) for the 2023/2024 academic session that they can now proceed with payment of the acceptance fee and registration.

PlaPoly Acceptance Fee Payment Procedure and Registration

PlaPoly Acceptance Fee Payment Procedure and Registration

Candidates should be wary of fraudsters or cyber cafés who offer to help with registration but may end up doing it incorrectly or defrauding innocent candidates. Candidates should be aware that such individuals and cafés are not affiliated with Plateau State Polytechnic and that dealing with them is at their own risk.

Check Out: Plateau State Polytechnic, PLAPOLY Admission List 

Registration period: 

All candidates should be aware that registration must be completed within the specified time frame.

Failure to adhere to the registration period will result in a ₦10,000.00 non-refundable late registration fee, which is also reviewable and, in extreme cases, forfeiture of your admission.

Acceptance fee: 

To pay the acceptance fee, click on the STUDENT PORTAL, scroll down to the NEW STUDENT section, and sign in with the email address and password you created when you applied. The system logs you into your personalised dashboard, where you can then click on payment and choose a payment method. You can then enter the requested information and continue to follow the prompts until the application fee is successfully paid. Print the receipt on the portal and the one sent to your email and proceed to the next step. After paying the acceptance fee, candidates should go to the Bursary Department for fee confirmation, where they will be given a receipt. (For more information, visit

NOTE: ND I / NCE I candidates should print a copy of their JAMB Admission letter and bring it to the Academic office where the admission(s) will be verified before the acceptance fee payment is activated, allowing them to pay the prescribed fee and continue with other registration processes.

Attestation letter: 

Every candidate is expected to collect an attestation letter from a well-recognized clergy of a church, an Imam, a senior civil servant from the rank of a Director or top military and Para-military personnel for registration.

Certificate verification: 

Candidates are to present their original certificates at the Academic division for screening/verification, i.e. Original O’level and A’level certificates, i.e. NECO, WAEC, NABTEB, OND, ND, and Certificate course. Indigene form, Birth Certificates, one-year Industrial Training letter for HND candidates only, Bio-data form of application, screening fee receipt and acceptance fee receipt. Thereafter, a clearance form is issued, which will be taken along with two photocopies first, and the last page of the application Bio-Data form and proceed to the online screening desk at the academic office. HND candidates who completed their ND from other institutions are to apply for an Academic Transcript from their former institutions and to reach the Registrar, Plateau State Polytechnic Barkin Ladi through the post office or other courier services at least within two weeks of the commencement of registration if that was not done during application.

Online screening: 

This is done at the Academic office. Ensure that you have printed the screening/clearance form before going for online screening. It will be presented at that point for clearance.

Errors on the course/programme: Ensure that you inform your online screening officer if you were erroneously captured to a wrong course at the point of application or if you have any complaints in regards to the wrong placement of course of study, also to update your records or correct any mistake on your captured data. A chance is given to you to make all necessary corrections. This will be activated for you to update your records accordingly after assessing your claims to be true.

Once you have been screened, your records can not be reversed. Be sure that all records are correct before online clearance, please.

Admission letter/School fee schedule:

 Candidates are to proceed to print their Admission letters and the tuition fee schedule/invoice and pay the prescribed amount for the course/programme. Always be careful while making school fee payments or any other kind of fee, especially when there are glitches on the network to avoid double debit when paying via electronic payment/USSD.

Bursary confirmation: 

After payment of tuition fee, candidates are to print the online receipts on their personalized profile and the one sent to their email, and then take same to the Bursary for confirmation and issuance of Polytechnic receipt.

Medicals: Next is the medical unit for medical checkups.

Audit: Candidates are to visit the audit unit for auditing all payment receipts.

Course Registration: 

All candidates should go back to their profiles to register their courses for the session and print the same, which should be taken to their various HODs and Lecturers for signing.


Candidates should proceed to their various Schools/Departments for documentation. Two photocopies of all credentials and two (2) passports should be presented.

Student Handbook: 

A Copy of the Student's Hand Book should be collected at the various departments by candidates during documentation. Ensure you Study the Hand Book as it contains all the rules and regulations of the institution and all that pertains to campus life.

Hostel Accommodation: 

Interested candidates who wish to stay in the hostel should go to their profiles and generate RRR or pay via the portal for boarding and accommodation fee, then proceed to pay the prescribed fee at any commercial Bank or USSD online. Upon payment, print the hostel form and then take it to the Student Affairs Directorate for your hostel and room allocation.

Identity card: 

Candidates should then check the library to collect their IDENTITY CARD from student affairs officers. Identity cards should always be worn on campus and for classes. Note that any student without an Identity card will not be allowed to attend Lectures and other services like visiting the library. Security personnel, Lecturers and staff have been well informed to note these.

Lecture timetable/halls: 

Go back to your profile and check under my schedule for the timetable to see the uploaded timetable by your Head of Department or ask in the Department for that. Note: time table is uploaded subject to approval by time table committee at the commencement of your academic activities. Other features have been added to your personalized dashboard to explore and use them for learning.

Having done the entire processes outlined above, you have become a bonafide student of the PLATEAU STATE POLYTECHNIC BARKIN LADI and hence should settle down for academic activities. You are to adhere to all rules contained in the Student Hand Book as it is binding on you. It is expected of you to submit a Handwritten ACCEPTANCE letter to be presented at the point of registration and filed in your Department during documentation.

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