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EKSU JUPEB Admission Form 2024/2025 | How to Apply

The application forms for admission into the Joint Universities Preliminary Examinations Board (JUPEB) Programme of Ekiti State University (EKSU)
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EKSU JUPEB Admission Form: Ekiti State University's (EKSU) management has commenced the sales of application forms for admission into its Joint Universities Preliminary Examinations Board (JUPEB) programme for the 2024/2025 academic session.

EKSU JUPEB Admission Form

How to Apply for EKSU JUPEB Admission Exercise 

To apply for the 2024/2025 JUPEB form, follow these steps.

  1. Go to the EKSU JUPEB Admission portal at
  2. Click on ‘ADMISSION’, and you will be directed to the Online application portal.
  3. ‘Sign up’ by providing all the required details to create an account. MAKE SURE YOU PROVIDE YOUR ACTIVE EMAIL AND PERSONAL PHONE NUMBER. A verification mail will be sent to you.
  4. After successful signup, click LOGIN to log on to your dashboard. Applicants are to log in using their CORRECT Email as ‘username’ and enter the password as provided while signing up.
  5. On your dashboard, select the type of application, JUPEB 2024/2025, and click on ‘APPLY’.
  6. The next page requires the PAYMENT FOR JUPEB FORM; click on ‘PAY NOW’ to redirect you to payment.
  7. On successful payment, the application form will be opened. Attach your “1 x 1” coloured passport photograph with a red background in JPEG format only on the form page.
  8. Upload details of your O’level result(s) obtained at not more than two (2) sittings at the following examinations; WAEC/SSCE, NECO and NABTEB.

After undergoing the above procedure, preview, confirm and submit it. Print out the completed screening form, which is to be submitted at JUPEB Office, Ekiti State University.

Application Deadline: 28th February 2025.

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