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FCE Abeokuta (Affiliated to UI) Degree Post UTME Form 2023/2024

The management of the FCE Abeokuta (Affiliated to UI) has released the Degree Post UTME Screening Form for the 2023/2024 academic session
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FCE Abeokuta (Affiliated to UI) Degree Post UTME Form: The management of the Federal College of Education (FCE), Abeokuta, in affiliation with the University of Ibadan (UI), invites candidates who sat for the 2023 UTME and scored 200 and above to apply for its full-time degree programmes.

FCE Abeokuta (Affiliated to UI) Degree Post UTME Form

FCE Abeokuta (Affiliated to UI) Degree Courses

The courses offered include:

  1. Education/Biology
  2. Education/Chemistry
  3. Education/Christian Religious Studies
  4. Education/English
  5. Education/French
  6. Human Kinetics
  7. Health Education
  8. Education/Mathematics
  9. Education/Physics
  10. Education/Islamic Studies

FCE Abeokuta (Affiliated to UI) Degree Admission Requirements

Four-Year Degree Program at FCE Abeokuta (Affiliated to UI)

Candidates applying for the four-year degree program must have at least five passes at credit level in O’ Level WASCE, SSCE, NECO/GCE, including English Language and Mathematics in one sitting or at least six credit passes in not more than two sittings. Candidates must also have passes in specific relevant subjects. Refer to the Admission Requirement/Relevant Subjects for details on the website (

Three-Year Degree Program at FCE Abeokuta (Affiliated to UI)

The three-year degree program is available to candidates who have successfully completed the Nigeria Certificate in Education (NCE) and purchased the 2023 JAMB DIRECT ENTRY (D.E) form. All Direct Entry applicants must have graduated with a minimum of MERIT in their NCE courses and meet the requisite O/L requirements of the University of Ibadan as contained in the JAMB BROCHURE. Refer to the Admission Requirement/Relevant Subjects for details on the website (

How to Apply for FCE Abeokuta (Affiliated to UI) Degree Admission Exercise 

To apply, candidates should log on to and follow the link to fill in their bio-data and make a non-refundable fee of ₦2,000.00 only through PAYSTACK using either ATM or Bank Account Number. Candidates must complete the online registration form by filling in their results.

Note for FCE Abeokuta (Affiliated to UI) Degree Applicants

  • Candidates must fill out the online registration form in CAPITAL LETTERS, use functional mobile numbers and email addresses, and follow all other necessary instructions. They should only click FINAL SUBMISSION once the necessary preview/editing has been done.
  • Candidates must upload their passport photograph. The image format for the passport is JPEG and must not exceed 25kb. The picture must be on a plain background, without any head/face cover, face cap, etc.
  • Candidates should submit hard copies of the completed online registration form, JAMB result slip, documents of their credentials, and evidence of payment at the Administrative Office, Centre for Undergraduate Programs (CUDEP), Federal College of Education, Abeokuta.

Date and Time of Screening for FCE Abeokuta (Affiliated to UI) Degree

  • The Post-UTME Examination exercise for UTME candidates shall take place at the Centre for Undergraduate Programs in the College at a date to be communicated to all applicants on the mobile phone numbers provided. Also, monitor our website for the Post-UTME Examination date.
  • Candidates are to come along with their online registration printouts, photocopies of credentials, and evidence of payment. Successful candidates would be communicated via SMS.
  • Candidates should monitor the website for the Provisional Admission List.
  • Successful candidates would be communicated via SMS and E-mail.

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