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Foundation Polytechnic Supplementary Admission Form 2023/2024

The management of Foundation Polytechnic has released the Supplementary Admission Form into it's undergraduate programmes for the 2023/2024 session
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Foundation Polytechnic Supplementary Admission Form: Applications are now being accepted for Foundation Polytechnic supplementary Admission for 2023 UTME JAMB Aspirants into Foundation Polytechnic, Ikot Ekpene. Prospective candidates must meet certain entry requirements, which are listed below.

Foundation Polytechnic Supplementary Admission Form

Interested candidates can check the list of courses offered for Foundation Polytechnic Supplementary Admission by logging into the school website at

Foundation Polytechnic Supplementary Admission Requirements

To be eligible for Foundation Polytechnic Supplementary Admission Exercise, prospective candidates should:

  • Possess a minimum of five O’ Level credits, including English Language, Mathematics, and any other three subjects relevant to the course of study.
  • Score a minimum of 120 marks in the 2023 UTME JAMB. Candidates who did not choose Foundation Polytechnic as their first choice in JAMB are required to do a change of institution and make Foundation Polytechnic their first choice.

How to Apply for Foundation Polytechnic Supplementary Admission Exercise 

Eligible candidates can apply for Foundation Polytechnic Supplementary Admission using any of the methods below:

Paper Application: Interested candidates should come to the Admission Office in the campus and fill out a paper application form.

Mobile Application: Interested candidates should send their names, JAMB registration number, and course to 07068092448.

Online Application: Interested candidates should log in to the website and fill out the Online Admission form.

PRINTING OF ADMISSION LETTER: All candidates who have received an Admission text for Foundation Polytechnic Supplementary Admission should log in to the school website, click “Print Admission Letter”, enter their JAMB Registration number to check the admission status and print the School Admission letter.

REGISTRATION: There will be registration for all Foundation Polytechnic Supplementary Admission candidates on every working day. The Registration is ongoing and will end two weeks after the Date for the Commencement of Lectures. The documents needed for Registration are School Admission Letter, JAMB Admission Letter, JAMB Result, four passport photographs, O’ Level result, Birth Certificate and Certificate of Origin.

COMMENCEMENT OF LECTURES: Lectures for Foundation Polytechnic Supplementary Admission candidates will commence on Monday, 24th April 2024.

FOR FURTHER ENQUIRIES: For further enquiries about Foundation Polytechnic Supplementary Admission, please call or WhatsApp 08027424802, 08166492550.

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