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NAUB IJMB Admission Form 2024/2025

Admissions for NAUB's IJMB Arts & Science programmes for the 2024/2025 academic session are now open to the general public. See how to Apply below
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Nigerian Army University Biu (NAUB) IJMB Admission Form: The Nigerian Army University Biu (NAUB) is pleased to announce that admissions for its one-year IJMB Arts & Science programmes for the 2024/2025 academic session are now open. The general public and suitably qualified candidates are encouraged to apply and realise their full potential in these exciting fields.

NAUB IJMB Admission Form

NAUB IJMB Admission Requirements 

Candidates must have obtained at least five (5) O-level credits, including Mathematics and English, in WAEC/NECO/NABTEB or an equivalent examination in no more than two sittings to be admitted to NAUB's IJMB programmes.

How to Apply for NAUB IJMB Admission Exercise 

  1. Go to the university’s website at OR
  2. Click on “APPLY FOR IJMB
  3. Select your application type and create a new user account.
  4. Choose your preferred program type and a combination of three subjects.
  5. To make your payment of ₦5,000, click on the “Select Payment Option” button and choose your ATM card type (Master, Visa, or Verve Card). Then, click “Make Payment.”
  6. Complete the form after successful payment.
  7. Upload scanned copies of your O-Level credentials and a recent passport photograph.
  8. Submit your application when completed. Note that any incorrect information will incur a charge of ₦1,000 to edit and correct, and you cannot edit your application after submission.

These steps must be completed on or before June 30th, 2024. More information can be found at

Take advantage of this fantastic opportunity to improve your academic prospects and secure a brighter future by enrolling in the IJMB Arts & Science programmes at NAUB. Apply today to take the first step towards a prosperous academic career.

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