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UNIJOS School Fees Schedule 2023/2024

The management of the University of Jos, UNIJOS has announced the school fees to be paid by new and returning students for 2023/2024 session.
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University of Jos, UNIJOS School Fees Schedule – Are you planning to study at the University of Jos (UNIJOS) in 2023? If yes, then you might be wondering how much you will have to pay for your tuition and other fees. In this blog post, we will provide you with the latest and updated UNIJOS school fees schedule for all departments for the 2023/2024 academic session.

University of Jos, UNIJOS School Fees Schedule

The University of Jos is one of the oldest and most prestigious universities in Nigeria. It was established in 1975 as a satellite campus of the University of Ibadan and became a full-fledged university in 1978. It offers various undergraduate and postgraduate programmes in arts, sciences, education, law, medicine, pharmacy, engineering, environmental sciences, management sciences and social sciences.

The university has a vision to be an innovative institution that provides a high-quality education that is relevant to the needs of society and the global community. It also has a mission to generate and disseminate knowledge through teaching, research and community service.

As a prospective or returning student of UNIJOS, you need to be aware of the school fees that you are expected to pay for each academic session. The school fees vary depending on your level, course and department. You also need to pay some other charges such as acceptance fee, pre-registration fee, late registration fee, field trip fee, practical fee and others.

The school fees are usually paid online through the university’s e-portal at You will need to generate an invoice and make payment using any of the available payment options such as bank deposit, ATM card or internet banking. You will also need to print out your payment receipt and present it to your department for clearance.

The school management usually announces the deadline for payment of school fees for each session. You are advised to pay your fees on time to avoid penalties or exclusion from academic activities. You can also check the university’s website or notice boards for any updates or changes in the school fees schedule.

To help you plan your budget and prepare for your studies at UNIJOS, we have compiled the school fees schedule for all departments for the 2023/2024 academic session. Please note that these fees are subject to change by the university authority without prior notice. You should always confirm the current fees from the official sources before making payment.

UNIJOS School Fees Schedule for Fresh Students 2023/2024

The following table shows the breakdown of the school fees for fresh students (100 level) for the 2023/2024 academic session.

Tuition Fee 1061 FREE
Sanitation & Cleaning Services 372 ₦4,000.00
Examinations 1067 ₦500
Tertiary Institutions Student Health Insurance Programme – TISHIP 1042 ₦2,500.00
Caution Deposit 1053 ₦500
Sports 1021 ₦250
Departmental Registration 1116 Varies
Faculty Hand Book and Prints 1124 Varies
Library Fees 1044 ₦1,000.00
Library Booklet 1047 ₦500
Information & Communication Tech. Charges 1045 ₦1,500.00
Identity Card 1041 ₦500
Use of Academic Gown 1024 ₦500
Student Union Dues 1050 ₦250
Prospectus 1049 ₦250
Utility/Sundry charges 1051 ₦2,500.00
Partnership with Students Project 1048 ₦250
University Student Handbook 1118 ₦500
Student Insurance Policy 1056 ₦500
General Studies (GST) Charges 1130 ₦500
Municipal Services 1130 ₦2,500.00
Computer Based Tests 1136 ₦500
Campus Security 1137 ₦500


Please Note:

a) ₦25,000.00 NON-REFUNDABLE PRE-REGISTRATION FEE is to be paid by all students. This fee is added to the above charges and it sums up UNIJOS school fees for new students to ₦45,000 Naira.

b) Late Registration Fee of ₦10,000.00 applies as appropriate to the student.

UNIJOS School Fees Schedule for Returning Students 2023/2024

The following table shows the breakdown of the school fees for returning students (200 level and above) for the 2023/2024 academic session.

Tuition Fee 1061 FREE
Sanitation & Cleaning Services 372 ₦4,000.00
Examinations 1067 ₦500
Tertiary Institutions Student Health Insurance Programme – TISHIP 1042 ₦2,500.00
Sports 1021 ₦250
Departmental Registration 1116 Varies
Faculty Hand Book and Prints 1124 Varies
Library Fees 1044 ₦1,000.00
Library Booklet 1047 ₦500
Information & Communication Tech. Charges 1045 ₦1,500.00
Identity Card 1041 ₦500
Use of Academic Gown 1024 ₦500
Student Union Dues 1050 ₦250
Utility/Sundry charges 1051 ₦2,500.00
Partnership with Students Project 1048 ₦250
University Student Handbook 1118 ₦500
Student Insurance Policy 1056 ₦500
General Studies (GST) Charges 1130 ₦500
Municipal Services 1130 ₦2,500.00
Computer Based Tests 1136 ₦500
Campus Security 1137 ₦500


Please Note:

a) ₦25,000.00 NON-REFUNDABLE PRE-REGISTRATION FEE is to be paid by all students. This fee is added to the above charges and it sums up UNIJOS school fees for returning students to 45,000 Naira.

b) Late Registration Fee of ₦10,000.00 applies as appropriate to the student.

UNIJOS School Fees for Science-Related Courses and Direct Entry Students 2023/2024

The following table shows the breakdown of the school fees for science-related courses and direct entry students for the 2023/2024 academic session.

MEDICAL SCIENCES (Rural Posting) ₦2,000.00
NURSING ₦4,000.00
200 LEVEL ₦1,000.00
300 LEVEL ₦500
400 LEVEL ₦2,500.00
500 LEVEL ₦1,000.00
200 LEVEL ₦6,000.00
300 LEVEL ₦10,000.00
Natural Sciences
Medical Sciences ₦11,000.00
Pharmaceutical Sciences ₦1,000.00
Computer Science ₦1,000.00
Chemistry ₦1,000.00
ARTS: (English, Linguistics, Nigerian Languages, Theartre Arts) ₦1,000.00
LAW (MOOT COURT) ₦1,000.00

Please Note:

a) Hostel Charges of ₦13,200.00 are to be paid by all students allocated hostel accommodation.

b) Hostel Allocation is done on a first-come, first-served basis and is subject to the availability of space.

c) Hostel Application is done online through the university’s e-portal at You will need to generate an invoice and make payment using any of the available payment options such as bank deposit, ATM card or internet banking. You will also need to print out your payment receipt and present it to the student affairs division for documentation and hostel allocation.

d) Hostel Clearance is done at the respective hostels by the hostel managers. You will need to present your payment receipt, admission letter, identity card and other relevant documents.

e) Hostel Rules and Regulations are to be strictly adhered to by all hostel occupants. Any breach of the rules may result in disciplinary action or eviction from the hostel.

We hope this blog post has given you a clear idea of how much you will have to pay as school fees at the University of Jos, UNIJOS for the 2023/2024 academic session. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to leave them below or contact us through our contact page.

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