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Babcock University Postgraduate Admission Form 2023/2024

Applications are invited from qualified candidates for admission to the Babcock University, Postgraduate Studies in the Postgraduate programmes
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Babcock University Postgraduate Admission Form: Applications are invited from suitably qualified candidates for admission to the Babcock University, College of Postgraduate Studies in the Postgraduate programmes leading to the award of Postgraduate Diplomas, Masters, and Doctor of Philosophy degrees of the University.

Babcock University Postgraduate Admission Form
Modules/Admission Sessions:

  • Regular Semester Module. This runs from September to April every year.
  • Elongated Semester Module. This runs for 24 weeks (Sundays only), beginning July every year. 


Post Graduate Diploma (PGD): A graduate of a recognized university or a person with qualifications deemed comparable to a first degree may be admitted.

Masters Degree

  • A Candidate with a first degree from a recognized University with a minimum of a second class lower (2²) division may be admitted. A candidate with a good postgraduate diploma from a recognized University with a professional certification in addition to first degree or HND may also be admitted to a Masters Degree programme. 

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Degree

  • A candidate with a good Masters Degree – not less than 60% average score from a recognized University or 4.00 CGPA on a 5 point scale (or its equivalent on a 4 point scale) may be admitted.  A well researched PhD proposal of not more than 10 pages in the chosen Area of Specialization should be enclosed with the application form.

Duration of Programmes

  • Minimum of three or four semesters for the Masters Degree (e.g MPH = 4). Minimum of six semesters on the PhD programme for regular semester module. 

Methods of Application  

Online platform for specific degree and programs or CLICK HERE TO APPLY

SCREENING EXERCISE: For each module, a screening exercise will be announced. 


For more information, please call 09094619786, 08133636564, or 08072090645 or send an email to [email protected] or [email protected]. Visit our website: for information on the Babcock University Postgraduate Admission Form.

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