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UI Acceptance Fee Payments Procedures 2023/2024

The University of Ibadan administration is urging that all candidates who have been granted admission to the school pay their acceptance fee 2023/2024
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UI Acceptance Fee Payments Procedures: The University of Ibadan (UI) administration is urging that all candidates who have been granted provisional admission to the school pay their acceptance fee for the 2023/2024 academic session. The acceptance fee, registration deadline, and registration guidelines are detailed below.

UI Acceptance Fee Payments Procedures

Candidates who have been offered provisional admission and have generated their admission letters on CAPS are required to pay a non-refundable Acceptance Fee of Fifty Thousand Naira (₦50,000) exclusively on Candidates who have not yet generated their admission letters are encouraged to do so before paying the fee. Refund requests for the acceptance fee will not be considered.

UI Acceptance Fee Payments Procedures 2023/2024

Candidates who have been given provisional admission to the prestigious University of Ibadan are required to accept the offer fully by paying the acceptance fee.

  1. Log in to the admission portal
  2. If you have been offered admission, this will be indicated on your dashboard
  3. Click on PAY ACCEPTANCE FEE (This takes you to Remita platform for payment)
  4. Who do you want to Pay (Type: University of Ibadan – 1000107)
  5. Name of service/Purpose (Select: UI: ACCEPTANCE FEE )
  7. JAMB REGISTRATION NO ( e.g 123456789123AB )
  8. AMOUNT TO PAY ( ₦50,000 )
  9. PAYER’S NAME ( Name of the Candidate on admission Letter )

Then, fill in all other Items as appropriate

Please allow 48-72 hours following successful payment before returning to the admission site ( to complete your clearance process. JAMB Portal

Please ensure that you provide the correct NAME OF SERVICE/PURPOSE as payments made to the incorrect account head will not be refunded.

Candidates are to upload the following documents alongside the payment of the fee:

  • An Institution’s copy of the Admission Letter
  • O/L result(s)Jamb Result
  • PIN/SERIAL Numbers of WAEC/NECO scratch card for O’L results 

The admission portal will be active from Friday, 16th of February to Friday, March 15th, 2024. Please be informed that the deadline will not be extended.

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