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Imo State Polytechnic, IMOPOLY Post UTME Form 2023/2024 | Apply Now

The management of the Imo State Polytechnic, IMOPOLY has released the Post UTME screening Form for the 2023/2024 academic session. Apply Now
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Imo State Polytechnic Post UTME Form: Imo State Polytechnic (IMOPOLY), located in Omuma, Nigeria, is a prestigious institution that is now accepting applications for its Post UTME examinations for the upcoming 2023/2024 academic session. This announcement is particularly relevant to prospective students who have scored 100 and above in the 2023 UTME examination.

Imo State Polytechnic Post UTME Form

Course Availability at Imo State Polytechnic

Imo State Polytechnic offers a diverse range of courses across various disciplines. Here is an overview of the available courses:

School of Agriculture and Agricultural Technology

The School of Agriculture and Agricultural Technology provides the following courses:

  1. Agricultural Technology
  2. Animal Production and Health Technology
  3. Fisheries and Marine Technology
  4. Crop Production Technology
  5. Agricultural Management and Extension
  6. Horticulture Technology
  7. Forestry

School of Business and Management Technology (SBMT)

The School of Business and Management Technology offers the following courses:

  1. Banking and Finance
  2. Business Administration and Management
  3. Public Administration
  4. Accounting Technology
  5. Cooperative Economics and Management
  6. Office Technology and Management
  7. Marketing
  8. Mass Communication

School of Engineering Technology

The School of Engineering Technology provides courses in the following areas:

  1. Agricultural Engineering Technology
  2. Mechanical Engineering Technology
  3. Electrical Electronics Engineering
  4. Chemical Engineering Technology

School of Applied Science Technology (SAST)

The School of Applied Science Technology offers the following courses:

  1. Food Science Technology
  2. Nutrition and Dietetics
  3. Science Laboratory Technology
  4. Computer Science Technology
  5. Statistics

School of Environmental Design and Technology (SEDT)

The School of Environmental Design and Technology offers courses in the following areas:

  1. Architectural Technology
  2. Estate Management
  3. Urban and Regional Planning
  4. Environmental Management Technology

Eligibility Criteria for ND Programmes

To be eligible for the ND Programmes, applicants must meet the following criteria:

  • Applicants must have obtained five credit passes at O’Level, which can be acquired in a maximum of two sittings, as specified in the JAMB Brochure.
  • The JAMB requirement includes a minimum of four relevant subject combinations, which must include English Language.

How to Apply

The application process for Imo State Polytechnic is simple and can be completed online. Follow these steps:

  1. Visit the official website of Imo State Polytechnic at
  2. Click on the "Apply Now" button and accurately fill out the application form.
  3. Click "Apply" to submit the form.
  4. On the next page, select "Pay Online."
  5. Enter your card details and click "Pay." Once the payment is successfully made, you will be redirected to the website, and an email containing your payment and application details will be sent to you.
  6. Print the application summary page and bring it with you when attending the screening and verification process.

During the application process, it is important for applicants to provide functional email addresses and personal telephone numbers, as well as those of their parents or guardians.

Important Considerations

  • Candidates who did not initially select Imo Poly as their first choice but are interested in any of the advertised courses should change their course and institution on the JAMB portal at a JAMB-accredited CBT centre.
  • Candidates must ensure that their UTME subject combination qualifies them to study their chosen course.
  • Applicants who initially chose Imo State Polytechnic Omuma as their second or third choice must change it to their first choice before they will be considered for admission.
  • Candidates are advised to provide accurate information during the application process. Any incorrect information provided will lead to disqualification

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