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NDU Post-UTME Screening Schedule 2023/2024

The management of the Niger Delta University, NDU has released the Post-UTME Screening Schedule for the 2023/2024 academic session
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NDU Post-UTME Screening Schedule: The Niger Delta University administration has recently released comprehensive guidelines for prospective candidates seeking admission into its diverse range of programs for the upcoming academic session. This article outlines the essential details regarding the screening process, including dates, venues, and necessary documentation. To ensure your successful enrollment, read on for an in-depth understanding of the admission procedure.

NDU Post-UTME Screening Schedule

Key Information about NDU's 2023/2024 Post-UTME Screening Exercise

The eagerly anticipated NDU Post-UTME Screening timetable for the 2023/2024 session has now been unveiled. Scheduled to span from Monday, September 4th, to Friday, September 8th, 2023, the screening process is a vital step in securing your place at Niger Delta University. To maximize your preparation, it's strongly advised to obtain the official NDU Post-UTME past questions and Answers, a resource that will undoubtedly enhance your readiness for the screening examination.

Screening Timetable and Subject Combination Analysis

Day 1: Monday, September 4, 2023

Programs Included:

  • Sciences (Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Computer Science)
  • Education and Mathematics
  • Biochemistry, Microbiology, Biology, Science Education, Education and Biology
  • Social Sciences (All Programs except Mass Communication), Education & Political Science, Education & Social Studies
  • Education & Geography
  • Management Sciences (All Programs), Business Education, Educational Management

Day 2: Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Programs Included:

  • Nursing
  • Medical Laboratory Science
  • Fine and Applied Arts
  • Adult Education and Community Development
  • Guidance and Counselling

Day 3: Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Programs Included:

  • Arts (All Programs)
  • Law
  • Education & English
  • Education Arts and Mass Communication

Day 4: Thursday, September 7, 2023

Programs Included:

  • Engineering (All Programs)
  • Technical Education
  • Architecture
  • Building and Quantity Survey
  • Agriculture (All Programs)
  • Agricultural Education
  • Pharmacy

Day 5: Friday, September 8, 2023

Programs Included:

  • Medicine & Surgery
  • Human Anatomy
  • Human Physiology
  • Environmental Management
  • Urban and Regional Planning
  • Library and Information Science

Preparing for Success: Your Screening Journey

As you embark on your journey to secure admission into Niger Delta University, it's essential to be well-prepared for the screening exercise. Success in this endeavor requires not only academic prowess but also careful planning and attention to detail. To optimize your chances of excelling during the screening, consider the following tips:

  1. Thorough Review of Subject Material: Make use of the official NDU Post-UTME past questions and Answers to gain insights into the type of questions likely to be asked. This resource will aid in focusing your study efforts effectively.

  2. Time Management: During the screening exercise, time is of the essence. Practice answering questions within the allotted time frames to enhance your speed and accuracy.

  3. Documentary Requirements: Ensure you have all the necessary documentation, as specified by the university, on hand during the screening process. This will prevent any unnecessary delays or complications.

  4. Mindful Rest: Adequate rest before the screening days is crucial for maintaining optimal cognitive function. Prioritize sleep and avoid last-minute cramming.

  5. Confidence and Positivity: Approach the screening exercise with a positive mindset. Confidence in your abilities can significantly impact your performance.

  6. Arrival and Preparation: Arrive at the screening venue well in advance to allow ample time for settling in and calming your nerves. Familiarize yourself with the venue's layout to reduce stress on the day.

By meticulously following these guidelines and investing time and effort in your preparation, you can position yourself for success during the screening exercise and move closer to achieving your academic aspirations at Niger Delta University.

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