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Check UBTH College of Nursing Post-UTME Result 2023/2024

The management of the University of Benin Teaching Hospital College of Nursing has released the Post-UTME screening results for 2023/2024 session
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UBTH College of Nursing Post-UTME Result: Are you eagerly awaiting the results of your University of Benin Teaching Hospital College of Nursing Post-UTME for the 2023/24 session? We're thrilled to announce that the results have been officially published and are ready for you to check. In this comprehensive guide, we'll walk you through the step-by-step process of checking your results and provide valuable insights for a hassle-free experience.

UBTH College of Nursing Post-UTME Result

How to Check UBTH College of Nursing Post-UTME Result:

  1. Visit the Official Website: Begin by visiting the official website of the University of Benin Teaching Hospital College of Nursing at

  2. Access the Admission Tab: Once on the website's homepage, click on the "Admission" tab.

  3. Select "New Registration": Under the "Admission" section, locate and select the "New Registration" option.

  4. Complete the Registration Form: You will be directed to a registration form. Fill it out with your correct details, including your JAMB REGISTRATION NUMBER, Email, and Password.

  5. Activate Your Account: After submitting the registration form, you will receive a confirmation email containing an activation link. Click on this link to activate your account.

  6. Log In to Your Account: Return to the website and log in using either your JAMB REGISTRATION NUMBER or the Email you provided during registration, along with your password.

  7. Access Your Dashboard: Upon successful login, click on the "User Profile" tab to access your dashboard.

  8. View More User Information: In your dashboard, click on "View Data" to access additional user information.

  9. Check Your Post-UTME Result: Within your dashboard, select "PUME Result Payment." After making the required payment, click the "View Result" button to see your Post-UTME result.

We strongly encourage all applicants to check their results promptly, as they are now readily available. If you encounter any issues during the process or have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to our support team for prompt assistance.

By following these simple steps, you can easily access and view your University of Benin Teaching Hospital College of Nursing Post-UTME results for the 2023/24 session. Congratulations on taking this important step towards your education and future career in nursing!

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