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Kaduna State University (KASU) Postgraduate Courses 2023/2024

The management of the Kaduna State University has released the Official KASU Postgraduate Courses for the 2023/2024 academic session. See details belo
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Kaduna State University (KASU) Postgraduate Courses: If you are looking for a state university in Nigeria that offers a variety of postgraduate programs in different fields, you might want to consider Kaduna State University (KASU). This article will give you an overview of the KASU postgraduate courses for the 2023/2024 academic session.

Kaduna State University (KASU) Postgraduate Courses

You will learn about the postgraduate programs offered by KASU, the courses available in each faculty, the admission requirements, the application process, the duration and study options. This article will help you make an informed decision about your postgraduate studies at KASU.

See how to Apply for KASU Postgraduate Admission Form

MSc/Masters Programmes at KASU

At KASU, you can find MSc/Masters courses in various fields that will help you advance your knowledge and skills. You can choose from Computer Science, Economics, Mass Communication, or many other disciplines. You can also opt for Applied Geophysics, Solid State Physics, or other specialized courses. KASU provides a rigorous curriculum and excellent academic support for all its postgraduate students.

Here are the KASU Masters courses available across faculties for the 2023/2024 admission period:

  1. M. A. English Language
  2. M. A. History
  3. M. Sc. Architecture
  4. M.A Arabic
  5. M.A Hausa
  6. M.A. Christian Religious Studies
  7. M.A. Islamic Studies
  8. M.Sc Environmental Microbiology
  9. M.Sc. Chemistry
  10. Master in Accounting
  11. Master in Business Administration (MBA)
  12. Master in Conflict, Peace and Strategic Studies (MCPSS)
  13. Master in Criminal Justice
  14. Master in Development Communication
  15. Master in Development Studies and Policy Analysis
  16. Master in Energy Management
  17. Master in Environmental Impact Assessment
  18. Master in Environmental Sustainability Management
  19. Master in Financial Economics
  20. Master in Geographical Information System
  21. Master in Mass Communication
  22. Master in Meteorology and Climate Studies
  23. Master in Procurement & Supply Chain Management
  24. Master in Public Sector Economics
  25. Master in Renewable Energy
  26. Master Industrial and Labour Relations
  27. Master of Banking and Finance (MBF)
  28. Master of Social Works
  29. MSc Accounting
  30. MSc Applied Geophysics
  31. MSc Biochemistry
  32. MSc Biology
  33. MSc Biotechnology
  34. MSc Business Administration
  35. MSc Computer Science
  36. MSc Economics
  37. MSc Entomology
  38. MSc Environmental Biology
  39. MSc Fisheries and Aquaculture
  40. MSc Food and Industrial Microbiology
  41. MSc Geography
  42. MSc Mass Communication
  43. MSc Mathematics
  44. MSc Medical Microbiology
  45. MSc Nutrition
  46. MSc Physics
  47. MSc Political Sciences
  48. MSc Sociology
  49. MSc Solid State Physics

MPhil/PhD Programmes at KASU

If you want to pursue the highest level of academic excellence, KASU has a wide range of MPhil/PhD courses for you. You can explore the arts, such as Arabic, History, and Mass Communication, or the sciences, such as Biochemistry, Geography, and Physics. These courses reflect KASU’s commitment to promoting academic research and innovation in various fields.

  1. MPhil/PhD Arabic
  2. MPhil/PhD Biochemistry
  3. MPhil/PhD Biology
  4. MPhil/PhD Chemistry
  5. MPhil/PhD Geography
  6. MPhil/PhD History
  7. MPhil/PhD Mass Communication
  8. MPhil/PhD Microbiology
  9. MPhil/PhD Physics
  10. MPhil/PhD Political Science
  11. MPhil/PhD Sociology
  12. MPhil/PhD. Accounting
  13. MPhil/PhD. Business Administration
  14. MPhil/PhD. Christian Religious Studies
  15. MPhil/PhD. Computer Science
  16. MPhil/PhD. Economics
  17. MPhil/PhD. English Language
  18. MPhil/PhD. Islamic Studies
  19. MPhil/PhD. Mathematics

Postgraduate Diplomas (PGD) at KASU

KASU offers a variety of PGD courses for those who want to enhance their qualifications or bridge the gap between different disciplines. You can choose from core sciences like Biochemistry and Biology or specialized courses like Conflict, Peace and Strategic Studies and GIS. These courses cater to the different interests and needs of postgraduate students.

  1. PGD Accounting
  2. PGD Biochemistry
  3. PGD Biology
  4. PGD Christian Religious Studies
  5. PGD Computer Science
  6. PGD Conflict, Peace and Strategic Studies
  7. PGD Counselling and Human Development
  8. PGD Crime Management
  9. PGD Education (Arabic Medium)
  10. PGD Education (English Medium)
  11. PGD Electoral Management
  12. PGD English Language
  13. PGD Entrepreneurship Studies
  14. PGD Environmental Biology
  15. PGD Environmental Impact Assessment
  16. PGD Environmental Sustainability Management
  17. PGD Fisheries and Aquaculture
  18. PGD French
  19. PGD GIS
  20. PGD Health Economics
  21. PGD in Local Government and Development Studies
  22. PGD in Policy and Governance
  23. PGD in Public Administration
  24. PGD in Public Management
  25. PGD Industrial Chemistry
  26. PGD Industrial Mathematics
  27. PGD Investigative Journalism
  28. PGD Islamic Studies
  29. PGD Logistics and Supply Chain Management
  30. PGD Management
  31. PGD Management Information System
  32. PGD Mass Communication
  33. PGD Mathematics
  34. PGD Meteorology and Climate Studies
  35. PGD Microbiology
  36. PGD Nutrition
  37. PGD Physics
  38. PGD Procurement & Supply Chain Management
  39. PGD Public Sector Economics
  40. PGD Renewable and Energy Management
  41. PGD Social Works
  42. PGD Sports Journalism

Doctorate (PhD) Courses at KASU

If you are interested in pursuing the highest degree of specialization in your field, KASU has the PhD courses for you. You can select from Accounting, Business Administration, Computer Science, or many other disciplines. KASU will provide you with the opportunity and the resources to conduct in-depth research and study.

  1. PhD Accounting
  2. PhD Arabic
  3. PhD Biochemistry
  4. PhD Biology
  5. PhD Business Administration
  6. PhD Chemistry
  7. PhD Computer Science
  8. PhD CRS
  9. PhD Economics
  10. PhD English Language
  11. PhD Geography
  12. PhD History
  13. PhD Islamic Studies
  14. PhD Mass Communication
  15. PhD Mathematics
  16. PhD Microbiology
  17. PhD Physics
  18. PhD Political Science
  19. PhD Sociology

Wrapping Up

If you are looking for a postgraduate program that suits your interests and needs, KASU has a lot of options for you. You can choose from PGD, Masters and PhD degrees in various fields of study. This guide will help you find the information you need to apply for your preferred program. Please check the KASU Postgraduate School for the latest requirements and study options.

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